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I might be in the paper U/D NEW article uploaded Giant bun

Hi, I am picking my names and sending in tonights post with cheque! Is it definately a girl? I have seen her referrred to as he, but more recently she. Would like to know sex of bun to better pick names, thanks. So glad to see her looking better now shes been shaved/treated etc. Its amazing how quickly she has responded to treatmen after all those mites and infections! :D

SHe is definately now a she :D

She is doing well and has an appointment tonight at 6:15pm :)
She is truley a beauty :D
You have done her proud Kris, It would be like having a dog but without the walks lol I can see she will get better & better with you & your mums love & care.
A massive pat on your back hun & Very well done.
Teresa x
She is truley a beauty :D
You have done her proud Kris, It would be like having a dog but without the walks lol I can see she will get better & better with you & your mums love & care.
A massive pat on your back hun & Very well done.
Teresa x

Thank you Teresa, and Thank you for your very generous donation that i recieved yesterday. I didnt show giant bun the cheque in case she ate it :shock:
Im so glad this made the papers and may make people reconsider before getting that cute bun as a impulse purchase.

Does anyone know how the injurys may of accured??

Wow she is very big and so so lucky to have been found and saved. You can see in your recent pictures posted how happy she looks now :D
I'm glad this made the papers, it's a pity they didn't use the photos you took to really show what she has been going through.

How is she today Kris, is she still doing well hun, i keep looking at the pics of her & how well she as come on, is there much difference in her now?
I bet she is keeping you on your toes lol