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Available Rescue: Hyacinth - home as single house rabbit wanted, midlands


Mama Doe
I have been beaten twice over. It doesn't sit well with me to rehome rabbits to live alone, but Hyacinth seems to be a hyperactive soul who finds fighting with other rabbits extremely enjoyable. She dives in and clamps her teeth into any potential mate and I am not prepared to have her injure another rabbit.

She is extremely friendly with people, but completely confident, which means she won't hesitate to nip people either if so inclined. I would not trust her with children. Hopefully given free range of a house she will be a happy bunny and give lots of love to her human slaves. She needs at least one room available to her at all times and preferably access to a garden when her people are there.


To rehome Hyacinth you need to be within the area we can homecheck, south and west midlands mainly.