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How much do you pay for an Emergency Consultation?

£120+ :shock: However, they're always very good when I've phoned them in the past and explained that that is the upfront cost only etc, can my bun wait till morning etc.
£100 - and that is whatever time it is if it's out of hours - so I had to pay that once when it was only 30 mins after they closed and the staff were still at the surgery.

The last time I went it was a Saturday afternoon, the vet and his partner live above the surgery, and they only had to walk down the stairs. I was charged for an out of hours call, an out of hours consultation and a vet nurse call out - £130:shock:

It is one of the reasons I am looking for another vet. They used to be reasonable for charges but have increased dramatically recently. They charge £60 for a bottle of metacam I can get for £12 on-line!
Crumbs :shock: it's not cheap is it? Does the insurance cover call out fees like this?

They cover it if the vet thinks it was necessary. So you should always phone up before hand and speak to the on duty nurse first if you are worried weather it is necessary or not.
£100 for our vets for the basic call out fee... extra for treatment etc.

But, in the past, when I've rang up early in the morning 5/6/7am, then we'll go through all the symptoms etc. and if the vet thinks they can wait a few hours, they get me in for the first appointment at 8am (even on a Saturday as they open until 12pm!)
They've always been very good and have never charged me if it ends up in said pet being pts (don't even charge for the pts)
They're extremely good and we're very lucky... Despite the upfront payment scheme they have going on since they've been taken over!
I had to take my rabbit to vets last Friday night just after 10pm because she had stopped eating and it was £60 just to walk through the door! Treatment costs were then added to that.
£120 for us. But then if you need to go back during the same out-of-hours period, they don't charge for the second consult. I think. IF it goes to the next night though you'd get hit with the full whack again.
It's $90-$100 ($50 if it isn't out of hours) for the out of hours consult. Seems to be cheap compared to yours though!:shock:
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