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How long to use gut stimulant??


Young Bun
Hi all,

My bun was sick a few weeks back where he had stopped eating and drinking. He was in the hospital for 3 nights where they did a scan of his belly because they could feel a mass, and they also did his teeth. For his teeth, they found they were only slightly long, and rasped them down. As far as the mass goes, they think it's a swollen lymph node, but he doesn't act as if it's painful when they feel it, and it's not causing any blockage.

Since we've had him home, I've been syringe feeding him every 4 hours during the day - he takes about 8ml each time. He does drink from his bowl - how much though it's hard to say. He's finally started eating from his pellets - only about 5-6 grams a day though. I also give him about a 1/2-3/4 cup of fresh veg/greens which he's started finishing off. Finally got him some plantain and sprinkle that in the hay. He doesn't eat alot of hay, but he does pick through it, and will eat the plantain. We also let him out 3 times a day for a run around the garden where he will find leaves and interesting leaves and grass to nibble at.

So for meds, when he first came back he was on Metacam, Baytril, and Zantac. I was giving him probiotic during this time too. I took him in to the vet last week as I was going to be out of these meds and wanted him to be checked. Mass is still there. Stopped the Baytril, and he wanted me to try vetergesic and prepulsid. I had to cut way back on the vetergesic dose because it was practically knocking him out!

So now that you have the history, I come back to my main question about the gut stimulant. If he is eating, albeit not as much as he should be, should I still be giving that to him?
Hi all,

My bun was sick a few weeks back where he had stopped eating and drinking. He was in the hospital for 3 nights where they did a scan of his belly because they could feel a mass, and they also did his teeth. For his teeth, they found they were only slightly long, and rasped them down. As far as the mass goes, they think it's a swollen lymph node, but he doesn't act as if it's painful when they feel it, and it's not causing any blockage.

Since we've had him home, I've been syringe feeding him every 4 hours during the day - he takes about 8ml each time. He does drink from his bowl - how much though it's hard to say. He's finally started eating from his pellets - only about 5-6 grams a day though. I also give him about a 1/2-3/4 cup of fresh veg/greens which he's started finishing off. Finally got him some plantain and sprinkle that in the hay. He doesn't eat alot of hay, but he does pick through it, and will eat the plantain. We also let him out 3 times a day for a run around the garden where he will find leaves and interesting leaves and grass to nibble at.

So for meds, when he first came back he was on Metacam, Baytril, and Zantac. I was giving him probiotic during this time too. I took him in to the vet last week as I was going to be out of these meds and wanted him to be checked. Mass is still there. Stopped the Baytril, and he wanted me to try vetergesic and prepulsid. I had to cut way back on the vetergesic dose because it was practically knocking him out!

So now that you have the history, I come back to my main question about the gut stimulant. If he is eating, albeit not as much as he should be, should I still be giving that to him?

Do you mean the Zantac and cisapride? it depends on every case really. I'll tell you what our vet does - for one-off cases of stasis/bloat where there is no history they give gut stimulant until the faecal output and eating has returned to normal. With buns with a history of stasis, e.g. my bun Nino, we give his gut stimulant for up to 3-4 days after his faecal output and eating returns to normal. Ileus can persist for up to two weeks - so I guess a longer course does make sense.
Your case is complicated by a blockage/mass - if this is faecal/hair/foreign body mass then I would think you would need to keep going with the gut stimulant until it has gone. If it is an enlarged lymph node then this could have an effect on how long they want him to be managed medically now and in the future? Did they do an Xray by any chance?
I would discuss this with your vet. In my limited experience - certainly not until faecal output has resumed normal rate and consistency and I was happy my rabbit was eating as it should be. I hope your bun gets well soon :)
He is on prepulsid right now as the gut stimulant, but was on zantac at first when we brought him home.

I would say that based on what he is taking in, his faecal output is normal in that sense. They look normal now, and he is eating his caecotrophs(sp?). It is just the appetite isn't normal, although it has picked up somewhat.

So I just wanted to check with you all that I am still doing what I should be doing as I didn't want to give him medication if he shouldn't be having it. I didn't realize it could be used long term if needed.

They did do an xray, which then led to an ultrasound scan which determined the mass isn't causing any blockage. The only thing they can figure as to why he still isn't eating is that maybe this, or something else, is causing some discomfort or pain. So last week we were given the vetergesic to try as a pain relief in the hope that if it is pain causing the problem, that once it's relieved he would start to eat. Only thing from that though is that it makes him drowsy and not want to do anything.
He is on prepulsid right now as the gut stimulant, but was on zantac at first when we brought him home.

I would say that based on what he is taking in, his faecal output is normal in that sense. They look normal now, and he is eating his caecotrophs(sp?). It is just the appetite isn't normal, although it has picked up somewhat.

So I just wanted to check with you all that I am still doing what I should be doing as I didn't want to give him medication if he shouldn't be having it. I didn't realize it could be used long term if needed.

They did do an xray, which then led to an ultrasound scan which determined the mass isn't causing any blockage. The only thing they can figure as to why he still isn't eating is that maybe this, or something else, is causing some discomfort or pain. So last week we were given the vetergesic to try as a pain relief in the hope that if it is pain causing the problem, that once it's relieved he would start to eat. Only thing from that though is that it makes him drowsy and not want to do anything.

I found with the vetergesic, being an opiate, that my buns are very drowsy and it does affect their appetite. For this reason our vet seems to only give it during the early acute stages of bloat when it is very painful to get on top of the pain, after which they give a lower dose if needed, but prefer the metacam as it is less likely to make bun lethargic and unwiling to move around or eat. Mobility is essential for gut motility, so if your bunny is just sleeping a lot due to the drugs he isn't going to be hopping around keeping the smooth muscle of his guts in working order. I would have though that as long as you are administering sufficient quantities of syringe food then giving metacam would be ok as there would be food in the stomach? I hope his appetite picks up soon, I really would review the pain relief issue with the vet and see if they feel a NSAID is now more appropriate than an opiate considering the eating issues? Hope bunny feels better soon :)