House bunny housing


Mama Doe
:wave: I'm re vamping Berties site with a view to making a much more comprehensive House Rabbit reference.

I'd like to include pics of as many different types of housing as poss, so if you have something other than the standard cage, and you'd like to help, please PM or post your pics here.
By doing so, you are giving me permission to use them, and I'd like to attribute them to you, so a name would be great too!

Thanks in advance :)
This is where my indoor bunnies live - it's under the stairs open onto the kitchen.
Bunnies modelling are Thumper, Squirrel, Shayla and Max.

Well here is my first post. It's a part our indoor buns daytime setup which is in the corner of the front room. As soon as were home from work and fed, the doors are opened and they have the run of the place.

I made the cage from wire cubes from B&Q and the floor is vinyl tiles on 12mm chipboard. The shelves are now 12mm ply which I cut to size.

I'm also after some advice if anyone can help. The rex in the piccy has some trouble gaining purchase on the vinyl floor, but is also a bit of a carpet killer (in fact she's generally destructive). I'd like to fix some really hardwearing carpet tiles to the chipboard floor but don't want to use adhesive and can't leave them loose. Any thoughts appreciated.

This is my two's set up, they have the run of the entire living room 24-7 and garden time :D




They don't usualy have a cable over their castle but they are a tad warm and need their fan, I am at home so they are being watched over :D
Frodo's place!

Frodo is my lionhead who lives in the lounge, he has full run of the place and his home is built into the coffee table!, there isn't a door because he comes and goes as he pleases, in fact if you look carefully you can see him stretched out under the video recorder

Frodo is my lionhead who lives in the lounge, he has full run of the place and his home is built into the coffee table!, there isn't a door because he comes and goes as he pleases, in fact if you look carefully you can see him stretched out under the video recorder


What a FAB little home :D I love it! x
Yes, he happily sits in there and munches away on the hay and then jumps out and does whatever he fancies, in the winter he lays full stretch on the mat in front of the fire watching the telly!!:roll:, spoiled or what!!:oops:
I dunno if this is standard or not, but here's Molly and Faline's den. Which they ever so kindly share with Jack and Dave the degu.

wow snowy yours is awesome :D :D

here is mine...not very innovative I'm afraid :oops: works though :)


here is how the pen is clipped to the cage with clippy thingers so i can put it away in the daytime

:shock: how do you all keep it all soooo clean!! berties a lazy old soul and poops as he walks/eats/sleeps/moves!! and he ends up weeing on rugs/mats/vet bed..its a nice soft loo:lol:
Fantastic contribution, thanks so much :D
There's a lot of work to do yet, and I'll probably be asking for more help along the way, but thanks again :thumb: :wave:
Evo has a normal "cage", but I think it's a bit nicer than the usual indoor ones - the base inside it is from a standard 100cm indoor cage, so he has lots of space. :D

