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Help with blind bunny

At the moment we are doing absolutely everything our Vet has told us to do & we will compete the course of treatment for Niles, and also Frasier as a precaution. Our current Vet doesn't seem to think that his condition will get any worse as it was caught when it was.. & although we are sceptical, we will still err on the side of caution & worm them - Even if the second Vet says he doesn't have EC, I want to be safe either way & make sure there's no chance.

We took him straight to the Vet as soon as we noticed that he was behaving differently, but like I've said before, he has suddenly returned to his old self. The whole thing is baffling to me.

It is awful when people don't take their pets to the Vet as soon as they notice something off. I'd never heard of EC before yesterday, but with the other symptoms, I couldn't imagine not taking them down! I hope your adopted bunny is able to live a good life, despite his problems as a result of EC :( :love:

Bunnies are good at baffling us :D
I didn't mean to imply anything by my post... just wanted to highlight what can happen if not treated.
Teddy is full of beans & mischief :lol: You wouldn't think he was blind, the speed he races round at .... it only came to light during his examination.
I hope all goes well for you & your buns :D
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound that way.. I already feel responsible for his getting EC in the first place :( I hate to think that it's my fault. If I'd known to worm him, then I'd have done it & maybe we wouldn't be in this predicament!

(Or maybe we would, but we'd know it wasn't EC so he'd get the help he needs straight off the bat!)

I really hope this Vet on Monday can give us some more info about what it is that is wrong with Niles, he has good references from the people who see him so fingers crossed! No one likes our Vet.. They hike the prices on most things & they over seduced our dog :S They are just the easiest to get to. We don't have a car so they are the first point of call for all emergencies. I've not liked them since they made me muzzle my dog, Sox, by myself. The Vet refused to touch him without this muzzle & stood there watching me struggle to get the damn thing on! :roll: - Which would be understandable if he'd ever shown any signs of aggression! Silly woman!
REW = Red eyed white :D

Lol, thank you :)

We just had a little bunny party.. Turns out they're fans of Rhianna ;) I took a photo of Niles & the flash went off - & he blinked! Is this normal in blind rabbits? You say blind to me & I think no sight whatsoever, but he obviously noticed the flash!
Aww, sounds like they have been having fun.. you should post some piccies so that we can see how gorgeous they are x
The blink may have been a reaction to a bright light.Thats probably all he can detect.Best of luck with him.
Lily (with Miffy as avatar) has a blind bun,Louis.Have a chat with her.xxx
NLENG2000 They are gorgeous boys :) Here are some pics


This is Frasier hanging out in his cage over Christmas-time. He had a bladder infection at the time, but he's so cute spralled out like that! Lol


Niles & Frasier in the lounge together.


Both of them together in their cage after our little party. Lol.

I took a video too.. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iprrT_3RljQ
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The blink may have been a reaction to a bright light.Thats probably all he can detect.Best of luck with him.
Lily (with Miffy as avatar) has a blind bun,Louis.Have a chat with her.xxx

Baily's eyes react to light but he cannot see. The vet thinks its a prob with the signal, its not getting from his eyes to his brain.

It doesn't cause him much prob. He uses his nose alot to judge distance etc and his sense of sound has hightened, I used to have to talk to him when approaching so as not to startle him but most the time he already knows I am there now. The only time it caused difficulties was at bonding. Active bunnies were too stressful for him as they kept startling him. He's now with two pretty laid back girlies which works really well.
NLENG2000 They are gorgeous boys :) Here are some pics


This is Frasier hanging out in his cage over Christmas-time. He had a bladder infection at the time, but he's so cute spralled out like that! Lol


Niles & Frasier in the lounge together.


Both of them together in their cage after our little party. Lol.

I took a video too.. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iprrT_3RljQ

Aww they are gorgeous! Was it today you had your vets appt? Hope it went well xx
The Vet cancelled the appointment, he was off sick :( We've got to reschedule, but it's hard to plan it around OH work & getting a lift as well. Hopefully we'll be able to get something for Friday.

They're doing ok. Niles seems to be easily startled & just freezes when he gets too stressed.. Giving him his worming treatment is getting harder because we have to wrap him up in a towel & the whole routine is getting a bit much for him :(

We're still not sure it is even E.C. & hopefully the Vet can give us more info if we get an appointment on Friday. *Fingers crossed!*