Grieving bunny


Young Bun
On Tuesday we lost our Female bunny Bolt. It was completely out of the blue and sudden. Our male bunny Scamp is now really struggling.
We’ve moved him inside as he was always the less confident rabbit of the two. Throughout their lives they have lived both inside and out so this isn’t completely out of the ordinary. In the past 48 hours though his behaviour has definitely changed.
He’s still eating lots of hay and drinking but he just barely moves around compared to what he would normally do. He’s either just sitting in the corner or laying under his bridge all day. I thought about bringing him closer to us when we are in the living room so I picked him up and put him on my lap. He just lay quietly on me for nearly an hour. Normally you wouldn’t even get as far as picking him up, let alone have him sat on your lap and he not move. I made sure he always had the freedom to go if he wanted to but he didn’t leave my side.
I’m just worried about causing him more stress. It’s heartbreaking enough losing one of our bunnies but watching him be so quiet is painful. I’ve considered going and getting him a big teddy to snuggle up to, anything else that could help him??
Rabbits grieve. I can vouch for that from personal experience. They are simbient animals, full of emotions and feelings. The loss of a partner can hit the surviving bunny hard.
I am very sorry you lost Bolt.
what is important for you now with Scamp is to make absolutley certain that Scamp continues to eat. The biggest single warning sign will be statis as a result of not eating. Make sure Scamp is pooping but importantly eating. Scamp will be grieving and some buns find it hard to make sense of the loss.
What you can do is to make much more of a fuss of him. Loads and loads of cuddles and nose rubs, attention and talk to him. Bring him in to the environment with you and your family if it is possible. Just like humans, they will react more positively with attention. It will help take his mind off the situation. Get a snuggle toy if you can - something like a small teddy or even a rabbit if possible. I found those things very useful for my buns. Things might be rough for the next few weeks for you all, and some buns get over the situation quicker than others.
Long term, it may be an idea to consider a re-bond for Scamp. Rabbits need and thrive on partnerships so a new friend for Scamp might be something to consider.
I hope this helps and I'm sure some fellow RU'ers will post with much more helpful advice and guidance for you. x
Thank you for your reply. Scamp is definitely not eating as much as he was yesterday. The last few days he’s been absolutely tucking into hay and today he’s only had a few nibbles. I’m going to monitor how much: if he is pooping at all. I’m assuming I take him straight to the vet if he continues? I’ve given him dandelion leaves and he took one mouthful and hasn’t touched it again. That was over an hour ago.
Thank you for your reply. Scamp is definitely not eating as much as he was yesterday. The last few days he’s been absolutely tucking into hay and today he’s only had a few nibbles. I’m going to monitor how much: if he is pooping at all. I’m assuming I take him straight to the vet if he continues? I’ve given him dandelion leaves and he took one mouthful and hasn’t touched it again. That was over an hour ago.

Indeed - if there is any sign of him not eating, then you need to go to the vets. Tasty treats can work but it's vital to continue to stimulate his gut feeding process. He certainly sounds like he is grieving and it's important to try to get him to feel part of everything that is going on. Rabbits generally graze so the fact he's only eaten a bit in an hour could just be general grazing. See how he is at normal feed times and if his appetite is there or not.
We took him to the vets. She gave him some painkillers and some medicine for his gut. She said she could hear it moving still which was good. It was a little louder than she would have liked, as if it’s an upset tummy.

On the way home from the vets my daughter noticed him moving a lot in the carrier. We pulled over and I opened it up to stroke him and calm him. Sadly he then passed away.

Thank you so much for your help, he just loved our other rabbit so much I don’t think he could cope without her any more.
I am terribly sorry to read this update. This is heartbreaking to read. Sometimes rabbits can develop such a strong bond or connection between them, that this does occur.
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your two rabbits so close together.
Binkey free Bolt and Scamp - they will be reunited at the bridge. xx
We took him to the vets. She gave him some painkillers and some medicine for his gut. She said she could hear it moving still which was good. It was a little louder than she would have liked, as if it’s an upset tummy.

On the way home from the vets my daughter noticed him moving a lot in the carrier. We pulled over and I opened it up to stroke him and calm him. Sadly he then passed away.

Thank you so much for your help, he just loved our other rabbit so much I don’t think he could cope without her any more.
Oh my gosh :,( I know this situation. I am so sorry you lost both of your little ones. May they be reunited at the bridge. Lots of love to you and your daughter xxx

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