Young Bun
On Tuesday we lost our Female bunny Bolt. It was completely out of the blue and sudden. Our male bunny Scamp is now really struggling.
We’ve moved him inside as he was always the less confident rabbit of the two. Throughout their lives they have lived both inside and out so this isn’t completely out of the ordinary. In the past 48 hours though his behaviour has definitely changed.
He’s still eating lots of hay and drinking but he just barely moves around compared to what he would normally do. He’s either just sitting in the corner or laying under his bridge all day. I thought about bringing him closer to us when we are in the living room so I picked him up and put him on my lap. He just lay quietly on me for nearly an hour. Normally you wouldn’t even get as far as picking him up, let alone have him sat on your lap and he not move. I made sure he always had the freedom to go if he wanted to but he didn’t leave my side.
I’m just worried about causing him more stress. It’s heartbreaking enough losing one of our bunnies but watching him be so quiet is painful. I’ve considered going and getting him a big teddy to snuggle up to, anything else that could help him??
We’ve moved him inside as he was always the less confident rabbit of the two. Throughout their lives they have lived both inside and out so this isn’t completely out of the ordinary. In the past 48 hours though his behaviour has definitely changed.
He’s still eating lots of hay and drinking but he just barely moves around compared to what he would normally do. He’s either just sitting in the corner or laying under his bridge all day. I thought about bringing him closer to us when we are in the living room so I picked him up and put him on my lap. He just lay quietly on me for nearly an hour. Normally you wouldn’t even get as far as picking him up, let alone have him sat on your lap and he not move. I made sure he always had the freedom to go if he wanted to but he didn’t leave my side.
I’m just worried about causing him more stress. It’s heartbreaking enough losing one of our bunnies but watching him be so quiet is painful. I’ve considered going and getting him a big teddy to snuggle up to, anything else that could help him??