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From roaming rabbits to being in a hutch??

I have seen that hutch in the 'flesh' and for 2 big buns like yours to spend most of their time in i really don't think its suitable, would you add an additional run? Its only 6ft long in total, the hutch should be at least that size.
I think I am erring towards a shed. That way, I can get away with it being bigger, I think!

Husband is tired at the moment, so tonight probably isn't the best time to ask him.

I'm going to look at sheds again...!
But if he says the minimum hutch size is too big what will he think of a shed? :?

I'd still go with bunny proofing a room in your new house, will be cheaper than a shed and run too ;)
But if he says the minimum hutch size is too big what will he think of a shed? :?

I'd still go with bunny proofing a room in your new house, will be cheaper than a shed and run too ;)

Yeh I know, maybe I wouldn't get away with that!

I just showed him the hutch I am possibly getting (I am buying it now, for when they go into boarding, then I can take it to the new house too). He asked how big it is, and I said 6'. And he just said "oh".

Then he said "will they be able to run around when they are in boarding?" So he does care! lol.

I won't mention the run I'll get yet.....lol
Are you going to rent or buy?

I have a shed for my pair, and a hutch and run combo for my trio. I am thinking about getting either another shed or a playhouse for the trio at some point. It is just so much nicer to be able to walk into the accommodation and sit with the bunnies. And it's easier to clean out, too. They are safe from foxes at night, and if they thump, the neighbours won't hear it so much.
Loxxy is adorable by the way!! Looks like a long eared version of my Cloud. But I guess he (she?) will grow into those ears. :)

And you should see her feet :shock: she needs to grow into both!!! She is actually part French Lop/part Kangaroo!!!

JoLB - "oh" is a fairly positive response - work it!!!!
By the way? Do you have a box room with a single bed ini your new house? If so suggest to the OH that he can have that and you the rest of the house as that's exactly what he's doing with the buns. I'm sure he'll change his tune then.

My OH wouldn't dare tell me I need smaller accommodation for my animals, he can see that they need it when we let the buns out and they race round the garden like loons for the first 10 minutes.
I have four bunnies that all live together in a shed and then have free run of the garden from around 6/7am until approx 10pm at night.

We went on holiday in May and my MIL looked after then and she didn't want to let them have free run, so we added a couple of runs to the shed for that week and I have to say they hated it! Dont ask me how I knew, but when we returned and I 'freed' them again they were so grateful, sounds silly I know but from their behaviour I knew they had hated being 'locked up' so to speak.

So I think your bunnies would miss the freedom they have at the mo.

What about a playhouse?

My buns have a 4X4 playhouse and it really doesn't look that big. You can add shelves inside it for more space and use the roof cavity for storage, then you just need an attached run. :)
What about this hutch/run? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6ft-5-x-2ft-5-Rabbit-Hutch-6ft-x-4ft-Run-/310235925675?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Small_Animals&hash=item483b808cab

I've got it and it's great. My two had to go outside after we moved too and I was gutted and was so worried about how they would adapt but they actually seem happier and more active and stimulated now than when they were indoors, they binky about at dawn and dusk like rabbits do and have access to grass 24/7.

The way I got round getting such a massive hutch - and I know it may not seem massive to people with sheds or who have big gardens but we have a titchy garden, and i'm not exaggerating when i say that the 6x4 run takes up over 3/4 of the lawn - was by reminding him that the vet had said rabbits have the emotional intelligence of a 3 year old and that you wouldn't leave a 3 year old cooped up in a tiny little box all day and that sort of sunk in with him, he also pretends not to be fussed by them but i catch him lifting the run lid and tickling them and sneaking them treats when he thinks i'm not looking :lol:

if you can get a shed and run then that's great but if not then i'm sure they would be fine in the above :wave:
My lot used to have 4-5 hours free range time a day at the old house and had a shed with run attached. Since we moved the garden isnt that rabbit proofable and Bella has issues if she goes any where Albert and Evie have been they only get a couple of hours a week.

I have bought them a new huge run however and increased the number of toys they have and they seem quite happy :D
We have a lot of foxes in this area, so free ranging without supervision all day is not an option. I don't know where JLo is going to move to, but foxes are a danger almost everywhere, even if you have never seen one. So I still think a shed would be the safest option.
We have a lot of foxes in this area, so free ranging without supervision all day is not an option. I don't know where JLo is going to move to, but foxes are a danger almost everywhere, even if you have never seen one. So I still think a shed would be the safest option.

This is my worry. I hear them round here and I imagine they would be at the new place too.

They are going into boarding tomorrow, so the weather is good for them! I am sad though. I am buying the new hutch tomorrow, setting it up at the lady's house then I will take it with me to the new house!

I think I will get this for the time being:


and get a run too. In the new place hopefully they can have shed too!

Husband is away this weekend, I told him they are going into boarding tomorrow, and he said "oh, so I won't get to see them?". So he does care!! Maybe he was just in a mood the other day.