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Fly Strike?


Young Bun
http://www.petsathome.com/shop/fly-...re=barilliance-_-cross sell-_-product details

Has anyone used the above?

My girl Bella gets a mucky bum occasionally (veg related and trying to pin-point which at the moment)

Also my sisters bunny Jake had a mucky bum Sat and yesterday (cleaned both days and I am monitoring him closely) - May be stress related as he is lodging at my house. :huh:

I was thinking about using some kind of fly protection on all 4 bunnies but I am not sure if they are any good? or which is best for that matter?

I clean litter trays everyday in the summer and every other day in the winter - with full cage cleans twice a week. I just want extra protection against fly strike.
Just called the vets - they don't do rearguard there anymore but they supply F10 - maybe this is better than the PAH fly-guard? :?
No idea what F10 is but you want rearguard. Rearguard stops the eggs developing, flyguard just deters them. The effectiveness of both is reduced by bathing, so you need to reapply I believe after (has instructions on it).