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Elsa-U/D 10th July RIP- The Last Post

Well the dreaded spay day has arrived. I am dropping Elsa off at 9am. She will be staying with C overnight tonight as I cannot drive after taking the opiate analgesia I am currently on. I am not taking this morning's dose so I can drive Elsa to the surgery, but I cant cope all day without the Tramadol as the pain just makes it impossible to do anything after a while. At least I know that Elsa will have expert care overnight, but I still feel bad about not being capable of collecting her.

I know it's pathetic but I am so scared about her having the op', especially as she stopped breathing twice during her last GA. Although she was a very, very sick Rabbit at the time and all three Vets have said that the fact she pulled through such a serious injury/infection at all shows how strong she must be. She will be having pre op' bloods taken. Obviously if there were to be any abnormalities in the results the spay wont go ahead.

Yet again could we please have some vibes, Elsa is such a lovely Rabbit and she has endured so much suffering. She deserves to have a long and happy life now xx
Sending loads of vibes for Elsa and I hope everything goes well with the spay op. She is a special bunny and clearly has the deep resolve needed to pull through. Everything crossed here for a positive outcome and hope for a positive update.
Oh Jane, you know I will not stop thinking about you and the lovely Elsa until we've heard she's pulled through, recovered and is home enjoying her noms as per usual. :love: All the vibes I can muster for an easy op and swift healing for your lovely girl. :)
I can imagine Endeavour will be a bit puzzled as well. "What? She went on holiday without me!" (That is, I assume he will be staying at home with you.) xxxxxxx
Elsa is in a much better place now than when she had the previous ops. Here's hoping it's all plain sailing.
Our foster dog is going for spaying today as well - so I will be joining you in limbo land until we get the all clear.
Elsa is so much more strong and healthy than when she had to be operated on before, so I’m sure she will be fine, but I know it’s always a worry :(

Thinking of you and Elsa and sending lots of vibes and hugs xx