Eddy Inkjet & Chinook Laser print

Buns look properly bonded now. They do that adorable resting head on others shoulder now ❤️ & she holds her own at feeding times. I have a sneaky suspicion he is still a control freak & has forbid her crossing the threshold of the bedroom or jumping up high
We are having to work on rebonding ourselves to Chinook - once she'd secured Eddy's love she decided she doesn't want pets off us anymore🤣

& so much for a primarily photo thread - will try & make it up for it soon
Buns look properly bonded now. They do that adorable resting head on others shoulder now ❤️ & she holds her own at feeding times. I have a sneaky suspicion he is still a control freak & has forbid her crossing the threshold of the bedroom or jumping up high
We are having to work on rebonding ourselves to Chinook - once she'd secured Eddy's love she decided she doesn't want pets off us anymore🤣

& so much for a primarily photo thread - will try & make it up for it soon
Awww we wanted properly bonded photos pleaseeeeeee
Awww we wanted properly bonded photos pleaseeeeeee
I will try. Cuddly photos are hard atm cos they only seem to cuddle under the bed where its dark...& with them being so dark....
Plus Chinook is flighty around us (except if it dark & I'm hanging out of the bed awkwardly to pet her...that is apparently ok
I should be able to get cute coupley if not cuddly 🤣
This is bunderful news J & B, so lovely to hear that they are bonded, a big well done to you and Bob, and the happy couple too of course 😍
I will try. Cuddly photos are hard atm cos they only seem to cuddle under the bed where its dark...& with them being so dark....
Plus Chinook is flighty around us (except if it dark & I'm hanging out of the bed awkwardly to pet her...that is apparently ok
I should be able to get cute coupley if not cuddly 🤣
To be fair any bun photos will do. We like them all
It is so nice to read these two bunnies are fully bonded. Perhaps she will accept pets from you after the honeymoon period where they only have eyes for each other.
I'd never heard of sainfoin until this post - i'm intrigued!
Apparently also called Holy Hay. Yeah Boo's physio recommended it, I couldn't get actual hay.
This is the company I used (wouldnt recommend sainfoin pellets though, they are rock hard)
I got them timothy & alfalfa too. They are going down well & of course they are making a shocking mess with them

they do a chop but it has linseed oil & I didn't know if that was any good for bunnies or not
Chinook is still majorly hands off which has been stressing me out as I really wanted to have a good feel around, assess her nails & coat etc. I've tried being patient but her threshold fear is big. So with the use of the barrier thing I got for bonding, I got them out of the bedroom. Had to get Chinook in a carrier to bring her downstairs. she was scared at first but 10 mins later in the hay box & now sploofing in open space. Its so nice to have them in the lounge ❤️ I've really missed seeing them from the comfort of my sofa. chinook already accepted groomies from Bob (at same time as Eddy). first time since they moved upstairs.

Just to make it clear I havent made them lounge bunnies ...but trying to bring her round to exploring more of the house / feeling more comfortable in multiple rooms & with us
Chinook let pet her properly yesterday morning...very unusual, I was worried she might be ill til she ran off. Very nice though.

I never had bunnies do this before; they participate in high speed chases several times a day. As far as I can tell Chinook tends to start with zoomies & circuits, then Eddy joins in. I don't even know if this is play or proper chasing but they seem fine (lie together) afterwards & at least they are getting plenty of exercise :ROFLMAO:
Aw lovely bunny photos, just what's needed on a dull Monday morning, and gorgeous bunnies too. Thanks for sharing J & B, give them both a nose rub from me 😍
Thanks everybun. Eddy loves a cuddle. Chinook only really accepts them whilst cuddling Eddy, sometimes on that bed on her own. She is much more peopley on her visits downstairs
Chinook has very interesting ears :D Neither of my bunnies have ever accepted cuddles, but each will accept being stroked if they are firmly on the ground.