Drinking lots of water

That's true although if it was just a bit more than the usual amount of water I'd be OK, it's just that it's so much more!! But I've made a vet appointment for tomorrow morning to get them checked over just in case (the receptionist said it was probably just because they're warm having been outside, like others on here said, but agreed it was good to check just in case). Will let you know what they say! I'm also going to ask about litter training because I've just discovered a massive wet patch on my sofa :(

Personally, I find a thick layer of newspaper and then hay is the best for litter trays, as rabbits do like to pee, poo and eat in the same place! I know you changed over from that, but wonder whether you could put the litter in the trays and then cover with thick layer of hay, which may encourage them to use their trays. Also, when cleaning out the trays, put a small amount of their poo back in.

It might be worth restricting them to a large dog crate with run attached (lots of ideas on here) when you're not with them, eg overnight, at least until they have settled in and know they have their own territory.
Thanks. They do have Carefresh litter in their tray but they also have a hay rack over it (a recent addition having read what people said on here about liking to eat at the same time - a useful tip :) ). So half of the hay tends to end up in their litter tray anyway! The odd thing is that they do in general use their litter tray - there's much more poo and wee there than there ever is anywhere else in their pen - but for some reason when they're out of their pen free-ranging they seem quite happy to just "go" wherever the mood takes them! I would say about 75% of the time they use the litter tray, and the other 25% of the time they'll either just go on the floor in their pen or on my soft furnishings… Do I just have particularly slobby bunnies?!
Do they have a good-sized run attached to their crate? If so, perhaps try restricting them to their crate and run for, say, 2 weeks - no free range time - to see if they get the hang of using their litter trays all the time. Are they nice big trays?
Mine (Rupert mainly) drink loads! they have a big cooking dish in their shed (its about 12cm diameter and about 5cm high) as they drink so much, then they have a smaller one for an evening in the house, we refill that one twice in the 3 hours they're in. They don't get a lot of veg tho, so don't get hydration from there :) they don't drink as much in summer, when they have grass more :)

One thing tho - when Rupert gets poorly (he has gas / bloat issues) he drinks ALOT more right before an episode.
They are neutered, yes. Their litter tray is a 32L underbed storage one so nice and big. I took them to the vet and he's treating them for a UTI just in case. They're on antibiotics which they do not like! I'm thinking that if the antibiotics make no difference it's probably just the fact that they're thirsty bunnies.