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Do You Have a Bun With Dental Disease ?

I've had a few bunnies in the past with severe dental problems in later life

3 girls from the same litter
All spayed at 6 months
All 3 lived outside, but fudge moved inside as a houserabbit aged 4
All had completely open runs in the day, large shed at night

Dental problems all started around the age of 4 to 5 years.
Abby had spurs and problems with tooth roots causing abscesses PTS when abscesses didn't respond to treatment any more
Bounty had lots of molar spurs and her jaw bone became infected. She also lost alot of molars. Her tooth roots were starting to push through her lower jaw she was PTS before abscesses form as she refused to eat and completly gave up after Abby was PTS.
Fudge also had severe molar spurs and broken molars and needed to have repeated dentals. She lasted longer and was PTS just before her 7th birthday.

They all had an excellent diet with unlimited hay through out their lives as they were born here. The mum never had dental problems and died with ec at 6 years and the Dad is still with me at 8 years and has never had a days illness in his life.

Woody is 6 years old I've had him since 6 months
Lives outside in playhouse and large run with permanent access
Developed molar spurs at 5 years needs about 2 dentals a year.

I also have Fern who you know about but can't confirm dental disease without an xray

Hope that helps