Describe your bunny in 5 words

A tiny bit of cheating here but I did the best I could ;)
Hard to leave some words out because every one of them is sweet, loving and beautiful.

ADHD, Crazy, Bonkers, Single-Braincell, Sweet


Loyal, Jealous (of his human), Happy, Fickle, Sweet

Timid, Sweet, Cute, Chonky, Escape-Artist

Determined, Fighter, Happy, Hungry, Greedy
Alternative words: Hungry, Hungry, Rex, Hungry, Starving

Bridge bunnies:

Heart-bunny, Sweetheart, Playful, Connected, Love

Sweet, Intelligent, Dog, Loyal, Greedy

Sweetheart, Happy, Loving, Fighter, Warrior

Timid, Sweet, Brave, Needy, Teddy-bear

Sweet, Elegant, Jumper, Athletic, Independant

Queen, Sassy, Sweetheart, Fighter, Beautiful

Fluffy, Cuddly, Chill, Sweet, Relaxed
I'll allow a bit a cheating. ;) Each one your current and bridge bunnies sounds wonderful and special in their own way. :love: Your alternative words for Harley made me laugh. :lol: I'm intrigued by Pinot being jealous of his human. What is he jealous of?
I'll allow a bit a cheating. ;) Each one your current and bridge bunnies sounds wonderful and special in their own way. :love: Your alternative words for Harley made me laugh. :lol: I'm intrigued by Pinot being jealous of his human. What is he jealous of?

Pinot is a boy we took in as his previous owners other rabbits bullied him (to the point he ran into the pond to get away from them) with the full intention of bonding him to one of our girls - at the time Maple was who we had in mind as she was alone and they were a similar age. It turned out however he had no interest in being with other rabbits whatsoever and 'bonded' to my disabled brother. The two are totally inseperable. Pinot is deaf so looks to my brother for cues (he's taugh him handle signals too). Because my brother is in his room virtually 24/7 they're always together (Pinot has a pen in there but is mainly free roam in his bedroom). Usually I find them curled up on the floor together.
If however Pinot smells that my brother has been "unfaithful" by stroking another rabbit he will get extremely grumpy. Usually followed by excessive scenting until the smell of the other rabbit is gone from his human.
On one occassion whilst making repairs to her pen we had to leave Mishka in a temporary pen overnight in sight of Pinot. Lets just say he didn't stop sulking about it for days :lol: If he saw my brother pay any attention to Mishka he gave the most intense glare you've ever seen and turned his back - loudly. A small thump of annoyance would accompany it.
I've never met such an insanely jealous bunny. He loves his human

As for Harley.. He's a rex. What more do I need to say :lol:
Pinot is a boy we took in as his previous owners other rabbits bullied him (to the point he ran into the pond to get away from them) with the full intention of bonding him to one of our girls - at the time Maple was who we had in mind as she was alone and they were a similar age. It turned out however he had no interest in being with other rabbits whatsoever and 'bonded' to my disabled brother. The two are totally inseperable. Pinot is deaf so looks to my brother for cues (he's taugh him handle signals too). Because my brother is in his room virtually 24/7 they're always together (Pinot has a pen in there but is mainly free roam in his bedroom). Usually I find them curled up on the floor together.
If however Pinot smells that my brother has been "unfaithful" by stroking another rabbit he will get extremely grumpy. Usually followed by excessive scenting until the smell of the other rabbit is gone from his human.
On one occassion whilst making repairs to her pen we had to leave Mishka in a temporary pen overnight in sight of Pinot. Lets just say he didn't stop sulking about it for days :lol: If he saw my brother pay any attention to Mishka he gave the most intense glare you've ever seen and turned his back - loudly. A small thump of annoyance would accompany it.
I've never met such an insanely jealous bunny. He loves his human

As for Harley.. He's a rex. What more do I need to say :lol:
Aw, that's so sad that he got bullied at his previous home, so much that he even ran into a pond. :( I'm glad you and your brother gave him a new home. It sounds like your brother and Pinot have a really strong bond, which is so lovely. But, oh dear, your brother isn't allowed to "cheat" on him with other bunnies. :lol: His reaction to your brother giving attention to Mishka does sound very displeased. :lol: