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Chronic GI stasis, keep getting reinfected for 3 months

My holland lop 4 years had small poop around 3 months ago, I took her to the exotic vet and she was diagnose with coccidosis and receive medication (nsaid pain medication and cisapride and two anti coccicidal medication I believe). After around 1 month the exotic vet say her poop was better and say to give pain and gut motility only for her symptoms. Later after 1 month for treatment she cannot go off her pain medication and I took her to the exotic vet again and was found that her normal flora or bacteria in her gut was out of balance and receive antibiotic again. Went to the exotic vet again a week after and say that there was some coccidosis left (which was not found earlier) and so receive anticoccidal medication again. After that treatment, the vet say that the infection was clear and after 1 month she still is dependent for cisapride and pain med, if she was off then she would be in pain and have few poops. So again to the vet, this time she was diagnose with bacteria and some coccidosis left again and receive the same medication again, and last week the vet say she was clear off infection (from poop examination), and say to give one more week of anticoccidal med to make sure the infection doesn't come back. After one week (today), I tried to wean her off opioid treatment and cisapride (she receive opioid instead of NSAID, the vet change her medication in her last infection visit, in which she poop a ton). I manage to wean the opioid to half dose (half dose in the morning and another half in the evening, usually her full dose is full dose in morning and evening), in which she poop less than normal but was still ok (she still eat timothy grass, and poop 100+ each day, usually poop in evening and night, some in morning but doesn't poop in afternoon). Last night I tried not to give her opioid and this morning she did not poop at all... I don't know if this is another reinfection or just that she cannot be wean off her pain med yet. Its been 1 week since her infection was clear, the vet say if she still on pain med after 2 weeks, I should go to the vet again.. I just want opinion on here. When she is on pain medication (full dose), she poop a ton in morning then again in evening and night. She still eat timothy grass though but only a bit in morning and afternoon but eat a lot at night. (For information the last visit did some blood test, all the blood test was normal, her teeth of check have a bit of spur but the vet say shouldn't be a problem since its only a bit)

Another information is that: Since 3 months of treatment she refuse to drink water on her own (she was addicted to syringe feeding). Later I tried to mix vitamin in her water bowl that the vet gave, she only drinks on her own during night time so now still need to syringe feed water during the day. During 3 months of treatment gave her only timothy grass (she seem to only be interest in eating during evening and night time), in the morning she is not interested which is not her normal self. Later, tried to feed her oxbow pellet because scared she was gonna lose weight, she is excited for pellet but still not really in timothy grass. I stop giving her critical care because then she would eat hay even less (tried already), and she got better after less critical care.
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Re the recurrent coccidiosis- is she housed alone or with other Rabbits ? Do you clean her accommodation daily and use a disinfectant that will kill coccidia ?

Re the ‘small molar spur’, it is impossible to obtain a full view of the oral cavity of a conscious Rabbit. There could be more dental problems that are causing pain but the problems cannot be seen whilst she’s awake. The fact she is happy to eat pellets but not Timothy hay/grass is strongly suggestive of dental problems. She is a breed type prone to dental problems. Is she very brachycephalic (flat faced) ?

Has your Doe been spayed ?

Has the Vet carried out any diagnostic imaging?
Re the recurrent coccidiosis- is she housed alone or with other Rabbits ? Do you clean her accommodation daily and use a disinfectant that will kill coccidia ?

Re the ‘small molar spur’, it is impossible to obtain a full view of the oral cavity of a conscious Rabbit. There could be more dental problems that are causing pain but the problems cannot be seen whilst she’s awake. The fact she is happy to eat pellets but not Timothy hay/grass is strongly suggestive of dental problems. She is a breed type prone to dental problems. Is she very brachycephalic (flat faced) ?

Has your Doe been spayed ?

Has the Vet carried out any diagnostic imaging?
She is housed alone, accommodation is cleaned daily. But for the disinfectant I couldnt get it, but I manage to clean all the cage by taking the cage outdoor and with huge steam of water outdoor which I believe would clear the coccidosis away (but not kill it) meaning the coccidosis would flow away along with water outdoor.

She is still eating timothy grass (alot during evening and night time), just not really much during morning and afternoon. The spur was there since she was younger but never cause any problem.

And yes she is spayed, x ray was only done once I believe and only gas was found. She still poop everyday 100+ though. Just that when theres no pain medication, her activity seems to drop and theres little to no poop during the morning and seem to be more gas.
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Is she kept in large enough accommodation to enable her to have plenty of exercise ? Rabbits are social animals and should never really be housed alone, so some of her behaviour might be psychological in origin (loneliness) rather than physiological.
Pain from anywhere can cause a change in appetite and behaviour. For example arthritis.

The fact that she relapses when pain relief is stopped makes pain a possible cause of her change in eating habits.
Is she kept in large enough accommodation to enable her to have plenty of exercise ? Rabbits are social animals and should never really be housed alone, so some of her behaviour might be psychological in origin (loneliness) rather than physiological.
Pain from anywhere can cause a change in appetite and behaviour. For example arthritis.

The fact that she relapses when pain relief is stopped makes pain a possible cause of her change in eating habits.
She is a free roam bunny (except from night time) so she have plenty of space to exercise. She used to have a bonded partner, but unfortunately her bonded partner passed away. She is happy alone though before the sickness happened so I believe bringing another bunny will cause more stress (since she is quite territorial).
I believe it is the pain relapse too that cause her activity to drop. But I wonder about the cause since I wonder after gi tract infection why does it seem that she keep getting reinfected (so that may be the cause of her pain I believe?) or another cause that I wonder is that the recovery is very slow since last week the vet told that her infection was clear already.

Hopefully, she does not get reinfected again and its just the slow process of recovery in the process of weaning her off her pain medication. Next week, will visit the vet to recheck her poop. But just wondering about the slow process of recovery or is it possible that she became dependent of the medicine becuase its already 3 months.
I would consider the possibility of arthritic pain, as I mentioned in my previous post.

It is very rare for a single adult Rabbit kept in clean conditions to get coccidiosis at all.