Channel 4's cutting edge -special needs rabbits

We were approached about this ages ago. I must admit I just dismissed it out right. We don't have the time to mess about with this sort of thing - there aren't enough hours in the day for all the things we need to do here at the best of times - we don't need to add to our work load.
Isn't Channel 4 the channel that shows Big Brother? I doubt that they are able to do a fair and serious documentary, and they don't have the audience that we'd prefer to watch it, either. I would not trust them. :?
Folks were we the lucky owners of Woolley who was a "very special" bun. We fell foul of the media and yes before you say it was my own fault. When Woolley was featured in the Daily Mail we had offers from all the TV morning shows. I was attracted to would you believe "Richard & Judy" as the approach they outlined was one of presenting a "sympathetic and sensitive approach" to his story. I still cant forgive myself to this day in not putting him first:( I believe the exposure that Woolley gave to being able to give a disabled bun their freedom back was positive. We have had a number of bun owners contact us with buns who have lost the use of their hind limbs and have looked at the wheel chair option.

I still believe that there is a difference of opinion on this site over the wheel chair option. All I can say is based on Woolleys reaction when he got into it I would do it all over again. He could take himself around his garden, running Thumper over in the process or anyone else that got in his way:lol:

There is a video that Dr Suzanne Conboy-Hill (special interest in any animal with a disability and the promotion of positive solutions) posted on YouTube of Woolley which I gave her - search under Wheelie Bun - its answers all the questions.

So in summary yes be very careful of the media