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Cardboard Eating and taming!


Young Bun
Hi Guys :wave:

Couple of questions. I have just moved into my flat and the house bunnies (boy and girl) are settling in nicely and I've kind of just left them to it really. Now, they've been in two weeks and while they are happy and content they are not tame, have you guys got any tips on taming them up? I dont want to frighten them by 'playing' with them and terrifying their socks off!

They are extremely friendly when it comes to food and treats but as soon as I go to stroke them they're off.

But when im in bed, they come and climb all over me, bizarre!

Also, as a side - my little boy has his very own cardboard box to play with - he pulls of the cardboard off the 'doors' i made but he EATS it... surely this isnt normal?

They have pellets and fresh veg every day, always have access to hay (but unless its expensive burns oat hay, they dont want to know - little bugs!) and loads of toys... which they hardly touch - i want to make their lives more stimulating and fun but am scared i'll frighten them!

Any advice would be fab :D

Eating cardboard is perfectly normal, i give mine old boxes to destroy, close the boxes up and fill them with hay and veg, herbs etc, they destroy the boxes which to them is fune and eat the goodies inside. To tame them just carry on as you are, not all buns like to be stroked and cuddled but if they climb on you there not afraid of you at all, they might just not like being stroked.
Thanks Phill!

I'm glad his cardboard eating is nothing to worry about and I'll start using the box thing more to my advantage! He's a :censored: though, he pulls up my carpet and leaves me nice piles of carpet fluff! :roll:

Will carry on how I am and take them how they are!

Thanks again
Try not to let them eat too much cardboard though. It can cause a blockage. Maybe some wood to chew would be better.
He doesnt do it all the time, I just noticed he did it and i worried.

They have at least half a dozen wooden chew toys... he chews them occasionally but not much...
Mine love loo rolls, although they seem to last about a minute!

We pack chew sticks into them so they have something to hold and throw. The thicker the rolls the better (ones you get with kitchen foil/cling film are great), it takes longer for them to gnaw through. Mine hold it down like a dog holds a bone!