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Bunny Jealousy

Biscuit's Mum!

Warren Veteran
I have had a search and most of the threads seem to be about people jealousy!

We got Badger on Saturday. He is not coming out of the hidey hole bit of the hutch (which is fine, Biscuit didn't for about three days, and we are not pushing him at all). One of us sits on the floor for 10 minutes occasionally with him just to talk to him and he pops out. :)

When I sit on the floor by the hutch and talk to Badger, Biscuit (who is out running the house) runs into the kitchen to me, asking for attention. She doesn't do it with the OH.

Am guessing it is normal and making sure that I give her plenty of attention too, as she has always had!

Is there anything in particular I should be doing to reassure her, other than making sure she still has plenty of attention?
Yes it is normal with rabbits. If you interact with your rabbits a great deal on a daily basis (commonly with a house bun) you will be viewed as a member of the rabbit group/hierarchy to some extent... complicated hierarchies though, it may be for attention or it may be that she is reasserting her place at the top of you and Badger... our buns do respond differently to human males and females too. Our female bun responds quite differently and permits quite different things from my OH than she does from me, and same applies to our male bun in reverse.... it's all part of the dynamics of the group you have established in your house. As this has changed recently she is bound to be a little unsettled and will manifest different behaviours accordingly. If you are the one who usually feeds them for example? You are probably more important in this group than your OH... just one example of a 'possible motivation' for her behaviour. :)
Thank you, that's really helpful. She does act differently around my OH and around males in general, she is a bit of a flirt actually!

I will keep on reassuring her and make sure that she knows she hasn't and never will be replaced. :love: