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Bunnies in spring!


Young Bun
My rabbits are the most adorable things in spring! It's their favorite season, too. Willoughby's because of the dandelions (nom nom), Rosemary's because of the sunshine, and Ruby because she gets depressed in the winter. I couldn't help myself, here are my cuties!

Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 1.22.50 PM.png Ruby who is camera shy, hence the terrible photo

Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 1.22.59 PM.png One of Willoughby and Rosemary's babies! They're 18 days old!

Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 1.23.12 PM.png Rosemary, my sweetums

Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 1.23.30 PM.png Willoughby enjoying his favorite thing: dandelions

Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 1.23.38 PM.png Willoughby again! (by the way, this is his run, not his hutch)

Hopefully the pictures loaded okay!
They are very cute. Ruby's looks lovely. She does not look like a lionhead lop like you described in your other post. She reminds me of a Polish or Dwarf rabbit. How big is she?
Do the babies have names?
They are very cute. Ruby's looks lovely. She does not look like a lionhead lop like you described in your other post. She reminds me of a Polish or Dwarf rabbit. How big is she?
Do the babies have names?

Oh oops, in my other post I meant to say that though her mom was a white lionhead and her dad was a brown mini-lop, she doesn't look like either of them. Genetics are strange!
Lol, she's one chonky dwarf bunny at 7 pounds! Sorry, my bad, it's the quality of the photo- she is quite a big bunny. In fact, if I didn't know she was crossbred, I would think she was a black satin rabbit.
Well... the babies don't have names yet. When I am able to tell their genders I will give them all themed names - this year they will all be Irish. Their birthday was the day before St. Patrick's Day. I'm thinking Patrick, Molly, Maggie...

Oh oops, in my other post I meant to say that though her mom was a white lionhead and her dad was a brown mini-lop, she doesn't look like either of them. Genetics are strange!
Lol, she's one chonky dwarf bunny at 7 pounds! Sorry, my bad, it's the quality of the photo- she is quite a big bunny. In fact, if I didn't know she was crossbred, I would think she was a black satin rabbit.
Well... the babies don't have names yet. When I am able to tell their genders I will give them all themed names - this year they will all be Irish. Their birthday was the day before St. Patrick's Day. I'm thinking Patrick, Molly, Maggie...
She does not look like she is 7 pounds! It must be her shape that makes her look more compact. She is almost twice the size of my lionhead bunnies.
How many babies do you have to name?
She does not look like she is 7 pounds! It must be her shape that makes her look more compact. She is almost twice the size of my lionhead bunnies.
How many babies do you have to name?
Yeah, I caught her when she was loafing!
I've got five little bunny babies, all black and white with the typical Dutch pattern. The funny thing is, neither of the parents are black and white, and Rosemary's first litter (this is her second), was five black and white babies also. I repeat, genetics are strange...