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Bonding Sue has commenced

Missed the updates! :p

Am so happy to be reading this! Sounds like Sue has found her family, bless her!! Awww at her flopping, bless her! :love: xx

I hope all will be well outside but am sure it will be - certainly hope so for your sake and Sue's! You've done really well to bond them - must be a relief to you to see Sue with them and eating well.

Hugs to you 'cos I bet all this has really stressed you out! :wave: xx
wow karen im so happy!! i did say didnt i....the vibes each of the buns gave me that afternoon in your garden...i knew shed be full of grief and the company would help her and help them..the humping just the usual dominance thingy..and its spring:lol:

brrr yes its cold....hope theyll all be ok.

not being litter trained is also a territory thing....these must be the first uber territorial buns youve had..either that or youve just been lucky before!!!

i think a few pictures might be in order;)

im so happy for you all...esp little sue:love:
They all seem OK this morning - better than I am.

I went out late last night to check on them and tripped over a plant pot and fell over on my concrete yard, knocking into the buns fenced off area. Sadly, I didn't bounce and am now covered in bruises down my right hand side - and the run fence is very wobbly. I ache all over:(

The only buns who use a litter tray are George and Gemma (indoor buns) and Sue. All the others go over their hutches - which makes it a nightmare to clean as I can't do all the hutches completely daily - wouldn't have enough newspaper or be able to get rid of the waste - I end up at the tip once a week as it is. Cleaning a litter tray is sooooo much easier.

Sue is still happily nomming everything in sight. It is easier to feed her separately now the buns have a lot more space as they aren't all huddled together.

I am still working out how to put photos on here, Debbie. I have managed to move some from my camera onto the PC - but don't know where I put them:(
Haven't sorted out how to file them where I want them yet. A friend is going to write me an idiot's guide when he has time but is away at the moment.
:wave: hey karen.....if i can do it...believe you me you can;):lol:

mm i was wondering.....i think i still have a roll of cushion flooring...cost me £15 or £20 a few years back to line a pets at home thistle hall.
Well when bandit died and bif n bertie were only able to use the bottom..i gave the hutch to julie...rosies rabbit rescue. So the flooring never got used.
i was going to use it to line the bottom of the dog bed but im not sure i could trim it properly without leaving enuff for bluebell to scoff.....or cut it too small...and it wont stop the wee going through the holes in the dog bed!!
but if itd be a help hun...i will gladly let you have it:wave:

also...i did offer to help with at least one wash a week....you havent brought any over:lol:

i think i may have a few floor sticky lino tiles somewhere too....if you pop a litter tray in..itll be easier to smell the difference:wave:
Thanks Debbie. I am feeding cats from tomorrow for 10 days (two days for someone who is paying, which will cover George's myxi:):)) and a week for a friend. Both are out your way so I will take you up on your offer of a loan of your machine - thank you lots!

The cushion flooring sounds wonderful too. Peggy and Sue had carpet in their hutch but now that is being shared by the terrible trio - carpet is not a sensible option:( (The four are not all in one hutch - they have two as neither is big enough for four buns).

Sue seems OK but she is terribly thin. I am trying to think of new foods to put some weight on her. She has wholemeal bread, oats, carrots and fruit already. I've put a little stool by the hutch to help her get in and out and she isn't using it, so she must be feeling better than she looks.

The buns all love having the extra space now the fenced off part of the yard is no longer divided in two. Sue spends most of her time with Molly - my more maternal bun - but she goes up to the other buns too.
got doctor making home visit to nikki wed and gill thirsday...txt me when youre around..or if im asleep leave it on me doorstep rotfl:lol:

nah jus txt me xx

hope sue eats better soon xx