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Bonding mess


New Kit

I'm trying to bond two neutered bunnies, male female pair. The males been with me for a month. Rescue bun turned out to be fully house trained so has free reign of entire house and garden. Have now adopted a wife to be, same age size, breed, colour, when I saw her she just looked perfect. She is currently living in a penned off area in our lounge.

I had no neutral area so did the best I could with a new pen. Went well bit of chasing. Few dates later and I've broken lots of rules :/ they have been in each others houses, both marking lots but tolerating each other. Seems pretty balanced. She'll go up to him, he'll chase her. They've spent the day free range in the garden today. Occasional sitting together, they've shared a food bowl, no grooming yet. She wants him to but he's non plused.

I've separated them again tonight, but don't know where to go next. Was thinking this would take a while so planning to buy a new house for them to share when putting them together, but now I'm wondering if separating them is undoing the ground work. Also his nose is out of joint being outside whilst she's in. I tried them in his hutch. They were really cute but he was chasey when I let them out.

All advice great fully received, also worried they are lulling me and the boy is going to snap.
I would keep them in a smaller area for a few days. Gradually expand (to help avoid territorial chasing).

Some chasing, humping and even fur pulling is normal.

ps I am no expert - only ever bonded a quad.
Agree with Tulsi, make the area smaller for a few days to avoid chasing and encourage him to bond with his new wifebun.
If they've spent a whole day together with no fighting, and eating from the same bowl, then that gives me the impression that he has accepted her and there shoiuld be no need now to separate them. Boys can be a bit territorial but not as much as the females. You will soo have 2 happy bunnies. Don't worry about the lack of grooming.
Thanks everyone. Things are going well. Let them play together again tonight. Boy bun went over, sniffed then big bink. He just kept doing the same thing. Very happy to see her. She's still trying to get him to groom her but he's holding his ground. Currently eating grass together on the lawn. She's still a little wary of him, she's pretty skittish anyway, so think I'll carry on with shared play times then put them in a new home together next weekend. Again thanks for the advice. Really appreciated. X