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Bonding advice needed...


Alpha Buck
I have four buns, for 2 years they lived in harmony (all neutured 3 girls one boy) moved them into a new shed about a month ago with catflap and free range area which now in hindsight i see was silly as i gave them too much space instantly and caused two girls to fall out. Have had Daisy seperate at my dads house for 3 weeks, yesterday took tinks and daisy in a crate for a car ride and then set up a neutral bonding pen for the four. Was very pleased as no fighting, had a rather sleepless night as lots of chasing / fur pulling between the two girls that fell out ( everyody else seems to have re bonded easily) Just made the mistake of trying them in the shed immediately the two girls fought properly, (i had disinfected whole shed) I have brought all back into neutral pen and the girls are flopped out in each corner. Has anyone got any advice of where to go next? I reallly want to get the four back into the shed!
Thankyou, sorry lots of waffling!
How long have they been out of the shed for? Maybe they need a bit longer away form it. Try moving things around and changing layout if you can so that it feels like a new environment. Keeping space small will help can you keep then in just the shed to start with (no run) and build it up slowly?
Had a disaster they have fought again,realistically, i can't keep 3 in the shed and a single rabbit, if i didn't rent i'd have her inside but i can't. We don't have anymore room outside, i think im going to have to rehome her :cry:
Did consider this but the shed is only 6x4 and i don't think its enough room. I have abandoned earlier bonding and have juts got the two girls that have fought in a small dog cage, so far so good, lots of foot thumping..fingers crossed, they can stay there till they are friends again! It breaks my heart to see them fighting!
I am in Yeovil, i emailed Rosie Rabbit Rescue as i in Weymouth and she was very helpful, but doesn't have the room to bond four, she said she has bonded 4 before and had problmes with two females, she said a few scabs and scuffles is ok and to let them get on with deciding who is boss! its seems to be the shed that really sets them off! they have been fine for the last few hours in the crate, flopped out and eating.
Yes got to admit its always my two girls that start any scuffles :roll: Will the crate fit into the shed? Can you put it in there with them in so they can be chilled out in there and still be in the shed?
Well i took the crate up stairs with me and there was LOTS of noisy chasing round in circles overnight, and its Daisy chasing Tink, Tink looks terrfified of her. Which is very strange as it was always Tink that was dominant! I like your suggestion of putting the crate in the shed but i am worried it will immediately set off the fighting again....
argh..just don't know what to do.
Is it normal during a bonding after two nights to have not really got anywhere?