Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice please. I have to mini rex's bothe male and 8 months old. They are litter brothers and were well bonded. I had them with neutered 2 days ago and they had an overnight stay with the vet. Previous to neutering they were bonded but I noticed they were chasing each other quite often. There were small fights but nothing too aggressive. One bunny likes to chase and the other one is more shy and as soon as the other bunny goes near him he thumps and runs away, even if the other bunny is just sniffing him. They still often bathe each other etc. I've Brough them home and was upset to hear the vet say she separated them whilst they were there and I needed to rebond them. She said she thinks I may need to separate them indefinitely to stop any fights and to see how they go. They travelled home together fine and lay together for an hour but the chasing started again and after the vet saying I may need to separate I'm starting to worry they'll never bond again. They're not been aggressive at the minute just one chasing the other and the other thumping and running to hide. The vet did say the hormones drop may be enough to have them bond again but she can't say for certain. Any advice please would be so much appreciated. Thankyou