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Bonded pair need new home


New Kit
I’ve sadly decided I need to find a new home for my bonded pair of rabbits, I love them to pieces but can no longer look after them as well as I want to be able too. I can no longer allow them to free roam like I used to be able to, plus I’ve got surgery coming up that will leave me unable to care for them for 4-6weeks and I can’t expect anyone else to do it for me. This is a very hard decision but I am asking here before I call pets at home. Zebbi (dwarf lop) is nearly 4 and clover (English spotX) is around 2, both neutured but will need their vaccinations soon as they are about due. They are litter trained and will come with everything they need/use. Please let me know
If you want to know any more. I’m in Herefordshire but happy to travel a bit to meet up for them to get a good home. Used to dogs/cats/children and good to pick up and cut nails etc


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