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Anyone Elses Buns...


Ginger got into the empty litter tray i'd just sprayed with bunny safe cleaner and dried out this morning.

She promptly weed and left me about 10 golden poops :roll:

haha mine does this too- its a little frustrating after awhile- i get cross, he looks at me- i melt...:lol:

my old buns used to run off with the dustpan:roll:
Smudge likes to wee in the empty litter tray whilst I'm getting the megazorb ready.

Snoopy just sits there looking at the hoover.."you can hoover around me, I'm not moving.." :roll:
I love it when mine 'help'. Put the brush down and the next minute it flys across the shed:lol:
Pumpkin likes to dig the new straw out of the bag and put it in her bed:lol:
I volunteer at my local rescue and spend most of the time cleaning out, it's funny when the younger ones climb all over you when your trying to get on with it!!!
Anything that helps pass the time and make what could be a horrid job fun.