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all our buns as babys :0)

Radish as a baby

I don't have any of Waffle as a baby as she was already a year old when I got her.
Lovely pics! Here mine.

Baby Peppa x


Love this picture, like the tray in the background, what does the bunny use this for. looking for new ideas for my runs, make them more fun for my 6

Aww, Thank you! She used it as a digging box. Great to watch, she would dig from one end, and when the pile was big enough, turn round and start at the other end. :lol:


It was bark chippings in a box made from fence gravel board.And to my amazement she never ever pooped in it.:lol::lol:

All the baby bunnies are soooooooooooooooooooo adorable. I don't have any baby bunny pics as got them all as adults.

Makes me feel all silly and gooey.:wave: