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AArrrgghh! Pebbles has just munched a bit of poisonous euphorbia!!! :(


Warren Scout
Arghh!! I know he definately ate some coz I can see the white sap coming out where he bit the leaf... What should I do? What should I be looking out for?? I ran out and said NO!!!! and he ran off and hid :(
Hopefully he will be ok - he might have only eaten a small bit?

Keep an eye on him and maybe take to vets tomorrow if you are still concerned (or emergency if he goes poorly quickly).

Mine have a habit of moving quickly to plants that I know aren't good for them!:roll:
Thanks for replies... he actually seems to be ok... he's hopping about the garden at the moment munching as much grass as he can :) Phew.

Bit worried as away Mon morning til Wed evening. My dad will be bun sitting but that means they'll only get seen morning and eve.