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A Girl called Trevor has a big day tomorrow - pic p17/ bad news p23

Have you thought about speaking to Noel Fitzpatrick in Surrey?

In all seriousness while I admire many of the things he does and while I will fight for Trevor I think that just because certain things can be done it doesn't make them right for every individual.

I want her to be seen and assessed by the physio and acupuncture lady first and go from there - little steps :D
In all seriousness while I admire many of the things he does and while I will fight for Trevor I think that just because certain things can be done it doesn't make them right for every individual.

I want her to be seen and assessed by the physio and acupuncture lady first and go from there - little steps :D

I 100% agree with you!
I'm sorry it wasn't a better prognosis from the vet today, Liz. I know that you will do your utmost for this little girl and, while you always take on board advice from the vet, you will always make decisions based on what you feel is best. If you feel she has a good quality of life (and from the videos it's clear to see that she's so happy and full of life at the moment) then I'm 100% behind you. :thumb:

I'm glad that the physio and acupucture can be done at home & I hope they help. :love:
Liz I've been and looked at video's of AGCT and think that she looks like dispite her problems she looks to be happy and bright.

I'm pleased that you've managed to find someone that will come and show you how to do physio on her, I think that and the acupunchure really helped Brie in her quest to get better.

Is Trever on any medications at the moment?

You said you'd seen the video of Brie when she was here and hope that Trever will get to this point. I'd like you to have a look at all of these video's as it shows how Brie went down hill after leaving my care and while in Theo's but it also shows how with Theo's help she then started to improve at all times in my opinon she was happy and full of life and although I've actually found these quite distressing to watch again I also can't believe what a journey she went on to get back to a normal rabbit.







I do hope you can make some improvements from this little lady
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I'm sure you'll make the right decision for Trevor. We had a situation with our dog where he was happy in himself but lots of things wrong with him.

I waited until the sparkle in his eyes had disappeared and he was in obvious discomfort, then I knew it was time.

She seems so bright and happy, I'm certain you'll do what's best for her in any event.

Vibes for you and Trevor :wave:
Thank you but much too far. There is an excellent place in Northampton and I found that this was on my door step :shock: has anyone heard of it before? http://vetspecialists.co.uk/

I think my brother took his dog there when her eyeball collapsed :shock::shock: She made a full recovery :D. Definitely recommend Simon and Kim in Northampton though. Bloody brilliant bunny vets! Sending lots and lots of vibes for Trevor :D.
Thanks Mackers I thought of you when I was checking out the northampton vets

Thanks Tracy, have watch the first few. Brie looks like Trevor most of the time in the second video but there is a point where she can take her weight on her back legs, where as Trevor can't. I think if Trevor can prove that she can take some weight then Juliet would be happy to continue trying to help her, but because she cant at all that why she thinks the prognosis is so poor.

I am hoping so hard that the physio and acupuncture will get her to point fairly soon where she can at least hold some weight on her own even if she can't take a step yet
I think my brother took his dog there when her eyeball collapsed :shock::shock: She made a full recovery :D. Definitely recommend Simon and Kim in Northampton though. Bloody brilliant bunny vets! Sending lots and lots of vibes for Trevor :D.

Parsley had his broken leg done there - our own specialict surgeon vet was on holiday at the time and the break was so appalling (triple breaks in each of 4 bones and lots of shattering) that none of the other vets in the practice felt they could attempt it.

The vet was very good - although specialised in cat leg breaks rather than rabbits and so my own vet felt that he overdid the pins a bit - -

also their aftercare is not really geared up for rabbits so they did not realise that he needed syringe feeding when he did not eat after 12 hours (he had bitten his tongue coming round).

TBH I always recommend my own vet Mrs Ford - as you are probably sick of hearing:lol::lol: But it depends what it is for.

We have ultrasounds done in house with them and CT scans arranged through them -(with them handling aneasthesia), also they do accupuncture etc
PS we have had a mixed success rate with physio - and one bun I feel actually went downhill with it - but another reacted very well.
Parsley had his broken leg done there - our own specialict surgeon vet was on holiday at the time and the break was so appalling (triple breaks in each of 4 bones and lots of shattering) that none of the other vets in the practice felt they could attempt it.

The vet was very good - although specialised in cat leg breaks rather than rabbits and so my own vet felt that he overdid the pins a bit - -

also their aftercare is not really geared up for rabbits so they did not realise that he needed syringe feeding when he did not eat after 12 hours (he had bitten his tongue coming round).

TBH I always recommend my own vet Mrs Ford - as you are probably sick of hearing:lol::lol: But it depends what it is for.

We have ultrasounds done in house with them and CT scans arranged through them -(with them handling aneasthesia), also they do accupuncture etc

Thanks for letting me know - I had no idea it existed! :oops: We have cats so it is always good to know :)
I thought Rachel had a cart she used. Could that not be used. Sorry if my vet wanted to give up when I knew there was a chance I would be asking for a referral to a specialist. Hope things improve for her.
I thought Rachel had a cart she used. Could that not be used. Sorry if my vet wanted to give up when I knew there was a chance I would be asking for a referral to a specialist. Hope things improve for her.

The cart is only half made and Rachel designed it herself. To finish it off would involve Trevor being pulled around a lot and we wanted to give her some time to settle in and see what she could do for herself first. TBH I am not even sure how to finish it off and neither did rachel! Which is why I think I would rather pay out for a professional one to be made if needed.

And as I mentioned earlier i have been looking round at specialists and would have gone for one straight away if Juliet hadn't agreed for the physio and acupuncture sessions but she did so I am going with them first as I feel they would be of the most benefit for Trevor at the moment :D

Any more questions?