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Search results

  1. M

    Female female bonds

    I'm not feeling positive since i've read this thread! I need to bond one female with another 2 bonded females :shock: The idiot at PAH said they would be fine. I think i'm too wary. I tried bonding them before but the poor bun was terrified. She's a timid little thing.:(
  2. M

    The cutest bun I have EVER seen...

    I would take fidget in a second but i'm a million miles away :lol:
  3. M

    Bunny duo to Bunny trio????

    My third bun won't bond with the existing duo. I've tried so many times. I want to get the third bun a friend but it they don't get on, i will tear my hair out :shock:
  4. M

    can rabbits have as much hay as they want??

    I always wondered whether i was feeding too much. You know the 20ml cups you get with medicine? My bunnies get 2 scoops each - twice a day. Is that too much? :oops:
  5. M

    bonding - car journey = how long?

    Hmm i might have to try this. Need to bond a third bun to a pair but its proving difficult. Can i not just sit in the driveway with the engine running instead of driving off? :lol:
  6. M

    why does my rabbit?

    Mine licks the floor too. I thought he was weird :lol:
  7. M

    Available Rescue: Bounty

    Awwww i love him!!!!!!!!! :love: Where abouts are you?
  8. M

    Bromelain tablets

    I bought some today! How often are you meant to give it to them?
  9. M

    Litter Tray Emptied!

    I'm glad its not just me with this problem! My bunny poops in one corner but as soon we introduce some kind of litter tray, she emptys it and throws it around! We tried putting woodshavings and straw in the corner minus a tray and she moves that too :roll:
  10. M

    possible stasis

    What was wrong with my bun? From the replies i got on another thread, it seemed to be stasis. Can buns get stasis for only a day? :? My bunny was fine the next day, eating and drinking normally. I don't know what happened. :shock:
  11. M

    New hutch - buns won't go upstairs

    I put my bun's old ladder up when we got a new hutch as she wouldn't go up and it helped :)
  12. M

    possible stasis

    A lot of buns seem to have stasis at the moment! I've just managed to hand feed mine a few pellets but otherwise she won't eat them. She has been nibbling on hay which is good right? She's gone for a run now :roll:
  13. M

    Bunny hasn't eaten all day! Help!!

    She has nibbled an apple and some hay now :) How do i check her teeth?
  14. M

    Bunny hasn't eaten all day! Help!!

    Hi guys :wave: Thanks for the replies, my dad didn't want to take her to the vet until today if she wasn't better :cry::evil: Anyway, i went out this morning and she ran down to see me. I put water in a bowl instead of her bottle last night and she was drinking from it today. She nibbled on...
  15. M

    Bunny hasn't eaten all day! Help!!

    Yeah i think she has poo'd today.
  16. M

    Bunny hasn't eaten all day! Help!!

    Hi, i'm really worried about my bunny. She hasn't eaten her pellets or piece of carrot or her hay. I just tried to tempt her with an apple but she wasn't responding. She isn't sleeping with her legs fully stretched out. If we try and lift her up to see if shes hurt, she just jerks away. She...
  17. M


    I had no idea woodshavings were bad :shock: I've been using woodshavings from Pets At Home since i've had the buns. I only put them in the litter tray with straw on top. Should i stop using them?
  18. M

    Where to buy Science Selective pellets?

    :shock: You're brave :lol: Can't say i'll ever try them but they don't smell particularly nice
  19. M

    can bunnies eat dock leaves?

    I gave my rabbits spinach leaves last week :shock: I know you can't give too many due to the iron content but i thought they were ok.
  20. M

    Where to buy Science Selective pellets?

    I finally got mine from PetPlanet! It was free delivery over £29 so I just stocked up on hay and straw. 2 of the rabbits loved the food but then they'll eat anything :roll: :lol: The third one refused to eat them but I think he realised he wouldn't be getting anything else :lol: