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Search results

  1. B

    Wanted: Female older house bunny wanted desperately ! -Surrey/London area

    There is an 8 year old bun looking for a new home. http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk/moreinfo.asp?RabID=42188
  2. B

    Bunny savy vet Stoke on Trent / Cheshire

    I have no experience of them as a vets or as a rabbit vets but Birch Heath vets in Tarporley are a specialist exotic vets.
  3. B

    Benadryl? (Childrens liquid) *Update* Changed to Piriton instead :)

    As I vet I used piriton but never Benadryl but I have not done much small animal for a while. What is the active ingredient? I can check my formulary if there is any information but I would ring your vet to clairfy as with off label use there is no definate advice or doses so it is usually vet...
  4. B

    Vets look like they just left school!!

    I am a young vet (well 29 now) but I have been asked by clients when my A levels are! It is hard to take it as a compliment after studying for 5 years. I think the best vets are the ones that admit their limitations.
  5. B

    Looking for a rabbit savvy vet in derby

    Chine House vets in Sileby has an exotics certificate holder called Craig who is excellent. Depending whereabouts in Derby you are they are near Loughborough.
  6. B

    Rehomed: Kiwi - 2 year old jird - Surrey

    Fingers crossed the beautiful Kiwi will be coming home with me on the 8 November. I am very excited. :D
  7. B

    Young vets again...

    Having completed Vet School I can honestly say it is one of the hardest things I have ever done. We had excellent lectures on rabbits from some of the most respected rabbit specialists in the country but the issue was that we did not have any practical experience offered specifically for rabbits...
  8. B

    Rabbit vet suggestions in Merseyside area

    I locum as a small animal vet in the Speke area and send all exotics to Village Vets. They seem to be very professional and good with rabbits.
  9. B

    Amoxypen LA?

    Amoxicillin can be injected in rabbits safely. I would ring your vets for further advice as it is confusing not having the drug you were told you were being prescribed.
  10. B

    Rabbit savy vet - bolton or bury

    My Vets Pets in Leigh see a lot of rabbits.
  11. B

    Rehomed: 3 Syrian hamsters - Surrey

    Mimi is beautiful. If only she was closer...
  12. B

    Dandelion Hutch free for collection

    Thank you. She is based in Nottingham so I will ask and PM you if she is still looking. Anybody or rescue would be lucky to have it. :D
  13. B

    Dandelion Hutch free for collection

    Whereabouts are you? I have a friend who may have to urgently relocate her guinea pigs outside due to her one year old being diagnosed with asthma. She is really upset over this as the guinea pigs have always been a huge part of the family. She is a pet sitter and they are rescue guinea pigs but...
  14. B

    Putting Matilda and Grayson outside?

    If they will have more space and freedom then they should adapt quite well. This is the ideal time of year to put them outside and once there they should grow an adequate winter coat for next year. They have each other for company and to keep each other warm.
  15. B

    Glaucoma. Had eye removed. U/D Other eye cloudy now?

    A bit further away as it is in Cheshire but he is excellent. http://www.eye-vet.co.uk/contact.html
  16. B

    help for Berrys legs please.

    Steroids cannot be used alongside metacam and their use is no longer standard for neurological conditions. I would go back to the vets and discuss having x rays done to investigate any changes in the hips.
  17. B

    Vet in leicestershire?

    Chine House vets in Sileby have a specialist exotic vet who is fantastic with rabbits.
  18. B

    Elevated liver enzymes - any experience welcome xx

    Is he still in metacam? This often causes raised liver enzymes.
  19. B

    Rabbit abscess advice needed please

    Penicillin cannot be given orally to rabbits and would be administered through subcutaneous injection. Cephalexin would also be given by injection but I have not got experience of using it in rabbits. Cephalexin is a first generation cephalosporin that is a different class of antimicrobial to...