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Search results

  1. I

    bad front teeth - [updated] vet says he can't take them out

    My rabbit - Cody - is having terrible trouble with all of his front teeth following an accident. (Short version: when I was in hospital my housemate who was supposed to be looking after both rabbits, dropped cody, on his head breaking all front teeth and a few back ones.&no, he hasn't been near...
  2. I

    How can I give Chester calpol/tablets?

    I have to give Chester calpol for the pain, but now he's feeling better it's becoming impossible. We can't hold him with too much force because of his leg, obviously - but he still has a heck of a kick. He doesn't like humans much *anyway* and has now taken to biting really hard. Obviously we...
  3. I

    painful back leg - chester has broken his leg

    My bunny has a clearly painful back leg. He's not moving unless forced to, or for food (which is good, but it takes him effort) . He's holding one of his back legs out at a very odd angle, he never puts it underneath him, he tries to put his foot to the floor, and his leg won't support him. He...
  4. I

    Bunny boarding/holiday homes for christmas in Lancaster area

    I need somewhere, quite urgently to board two male rabbits (used to living together) over the christmas period (from monday 20th-6th januray) They were coming with me for christmas, but my parents are both unable to drive at the moment and I really do NOT want to take them on the train for five...
  5. I

    HELP!Rabbits refusing to come back in - are they ok outside?

    We've just adopted two male rabbits, from an animal home, used to being outside, not overly friendly to humans, but quite easy to pick up and cuddle. They have a big hutch, in a large shed, and the run of the whole garden, which is completely enclosed and stonewalled, has lots of bushes and...