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Search results

  1. NewStreetPhoto

    EFSA study shows Red palm oil can cause cancer

    Processed or refined anything is generally bad for animals and people, and rabbits really don't need supplements of any kind [including pellets]. All they need is lots of hay, a bit if veg, and a lot of love ☺️ Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
  2. NewStreetPhoto

    Alf has been very poorly - don't know why :(

    Pour Alf 😔 I worry about Ghibli & Twinkle ✨ all the time. It's a really horrible thing to go through, but the most important thing is that you kept your head, and got him the help he needed right away. He's lucky to have you. Sending big love 🐰♥️🐰 Ghibli & Twinkle ✨ [and Barry] Sent from my...
  3. NewStreetPhoto

    Muesli mixed food

    Most of the stuff that pet shops sell as food [or food base entertainment for small animals] can be used in 'small' quantities as treats. Those big dried corn cobs you're supposed to clip to the bars of their enclosure [which would be a ridiculous thing to do] can be broken down into individual...
  4. NewStreetPhoto

    Fostering - my moral dilemma :(

    I personally think that Oliver could live very happily with you as his career. My own rabbit, Ghibli, was a single rabbit for a very long time [since his birth and long after I got him]. I used to worry that he felt lonely. When I went to bed he'd fallow me to the edge of the carpet, but...
  5. NewStreetPhoto

    Urinating on bedding

    Just a thought, but do you usually leave him when you pick him up? My rabbit is also really well behaved, but when he's annoyed with me he does sometimes pee to make a point! For instance if he feels his lit tray needs changing, and we have a difference of opinion cos it's only just been changed...
  6. NewStreetPhoto

    Available Individual: Willow and Biscuit, mini lop pair, Bury St Edmunds

    What your doing is incredibly brave and selfless. I wish more people understood that animals need a proper home! Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
  7. NewStreetPhoto

    Fostering - my moral dilemma :(

    I hate to say this, but has you're husband considered what giving away a bonded rabbit would do to the pour thing imeadiatley after losing a partner? Rabbits bond for life, and that also means with you! In reality he'd be loosing two people he loved at the same time! I know I probably sound a...
  8. NewStreetPhoto

    Ghibli now peeing everywhere

    Thank you both. I started with a simple standard lit tray, which was fine with just Ghibli, but when I got Twinkle ✨ I got a 32L underbed storage box. I put out fresh hay on the floor for them [Twinkle ✨ likes to kick it arround and dig in it] and also add a little bit of fresh hay along with...
  9. NewStreetPhoto

    Digging up the carpet!

    Have you tried giving your bunny something else to destroy? I've got a really destructive bunny [Twinkle ✨] who was bonded with my little Lionhead [Ghibli] who's always been really really well behaved. She has been rehomed on more than one occasion, and when I first got her she tore up...
  10. NewStreetPhoto

    I'm worried about my rabbit's de-bonding?

    Thank you, actually that makes me feel loads better in a weird way. Maybe I just need to stop worrying so much and let them just be whatever they want to be instead of analysing them in terms of "rabbit behaviour" Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  11. NewStreetPhoto

    I'm worried about my rabbit's de-bonding?

    I had Ghibli bonded with Twinkle ✨ a few months ago. Ghibli's really close to me and I'm the only company he's had for three years. I'm bipolar and I'm not a massive fan of crowds, so I don't really leave my flat all that much, so he's spent basically 12 to 14 hours a day with me for the last 3...
  12. NewStreetPhoto

    Bonded pair had a fight

    Have you tried stress bonding? Putting them into a pet carrier together so that they have very little space to move arround? TBH I'm not a bonding expert or anything, I only recently bonded Twinkle and Ghibli, but when they seemed to be spending inordinate amounts of time at either end of the...
  13. NewStreetPhoto

    Oh no :-(

    Will Bella be able to adjust to being a single [posibly house] bunny? How are the other bunnies doing? I know this must be horrible. I worry every day that my two are going to start fighting! Hope you manage to work something out and that someone else has some more constructive advice...
  14. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Thanks for the Panacur liquid place. I'll definitely check that out, but I don't think I'm going need it for a while. I thought she might spit it out when she tasted it, bur she clearly can't or it doesn't bother her ☺️ Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  15. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Well that's that one resolved [for Twinkle ✨ anyway]. Just rolled it up into some Kale and she just ear it ☺️ There you have it. Vets are sometimes massively over precautions! Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  16. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Thank you! I'll check out the info [which is greatly appreciated]. I actually lost [and found this morning] the origional tube/syringe thing I got from the vet, so I've got enough now to try just giving it to her in food. If that doesn't work though I think I'm just going to postpone it until...
  17. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Actually the vets I go to are on that list, so probably not really worth changing. TBF it was the receptionist who told me I needed to worm them 4 times a year, but it was the vet who told me that it's better to administer it orally. Maybe she just didn't realise exactly how shy Twinkle...
  18. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Thanks everyone, this has been really helpful. I'll try feeding it to her on something tasty, and if it's not actually needed then it's not going to matter all that much if she only eats some of it. I'm also going to start looking for a better vet! You've been really really helpful...
  19. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Their a small animal vet! But I've never been that convinced that money doesn't play a large part in a lot of their advice. I was told that it's important to worm them four times a year [I've never kept rabbits before, but I've kept rats, and some of their advice seems a bit financially...
  20. NewStreetPhoto

    Worming medicine for a really scared rabbit

    Hi, I recently bonded my little Lionhead [Ghibli] with a female rabbit [Twinkle ✨] who's been rehomed multiple times. It's wormming medicine time [Panacur - first wormming], but picking her up and giving her the stuff is completely destroying any kind of trust I've managed to [incredibly...