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Search results

  1. cocobun

    Available Rescue: Bow and Pearl ...pair of girlies..new pics post5

    OMG they are beautiful!! :love::love::love:
  2. cocobun

    New indoor hutch finally finished!

    That is SO AWESOME. I would buy that, I can't believe you made it! Lucky Mozart :love:
  3. cocobun

    Trevor - another little bit of progress

    Trevor is such an inspiration! Good job little girl :love::love::love:
  4. cocobun

    I just had to post this picture of Wilson

    Too precious! :love:
  5. cocobun

    Rehomed: Honey - 5 year old dwarf lop - SURREY

    Yay! Congratulations beautiful girl!
  6. cocobun

    Angel - one very lucky rabbit

    What a beautiful couple they make! April sounds like an amazing bunny mama!
  7. cocobun

    Treatment for sore skin under chin?

    It's dry & I like Jenova's bun I think it would stress him out if I tried to put something on it, so I'll leave it be but keep an eye on it. Thankyou both!
  8. cocobun

    Treatment for sore skin under chin?

    Bun is just coming to the end of his medications for his GI Stasis, and due to being a complete diva and refusing to swallow alot of meds, they would dribble onto his chest hair where he would clean as soon as it was over. I've noticed that he's got what I guess is saliva burn under his chin -...
  9. cocobun

    Reserved: Brer rabbit

    I feel like I need to curl up in a ball and cry at the cuteness! :love::love::love:
  10. cocobun

    Rehomed: Teela ...single spayed female

    Those eyelashes :love::love::love:
  11. cocobun

    Big Oose

    I'm so sorry... she was gorgeous and sounds like such a sweetie. Sending big hugs, please take care of yourself.
  12. cocobun

    Harriet came to see me this morning

    Harriet you are so pretty :love:
  13. cocobun

    Went to P@H yesterday - no bunnies, hamsters, piggies...

    Still hoping that Watchdog discouraged people to buy completely from Pets At Home, but hopefully to reconsider buying at all. Fingers crossed P@H take such a beating financially from reduced live animal sales they stop doing it altogether soon... :evil:
  14. cocobun

    Jessie looking pretty

    She is gooooorgeous :love::love::love:
  15. cocobun

    Nasty Mummy

    Too precious! Bet they were NOT happy with you after the photo opportunity... ! :love:
  16. cocobun

    Maggie update

    Ooooo the last one! :love:
  17. cocobun

    Pimped my crate.... if you remember my first post....

    *butts into thread* It is indeed made of hay. My bun absolutely LOVES it. He's barely had it 2 weeks and has pretty much demolished 2 sides of it! http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/accessories/rodent__nests/211599
  18. cocobun

    Just put Stu to bed and found this sleeping by the hutch

    So sweet! And bless you for feeding him!
  19. cocobun

    Moonshadow, Sunflower & Sundance UPDATE pt 11

    Oooooh such pretty colouring!
  20. cocobun

    Hi all

    A fellow Southampton resident! Welcome :wave: