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  1. carly s

    Would anyone like to see the bun who may be coming to live with me and Sebastian?

    ahh, shes beautiful! animals in need by any chance? i think she was the one sue might have been looking at. hope you are bearing up ok xxx She has goooorgeous blue eyes, Im smitten with her :love::love::love:
  2. carly s

    C & S test for abscess

  3. carly s

    rabbiting on - page 8 - my photo!

  4. carly s

    rabbiting on - page 8 - my photo!

    Very excited to see my photo on page 8! Sadly the white bun (dave) in the photo is no longer with us but his partner daphne is doing well without him thankfully. Rip davey, you'll never ever be forgotton xx
  5. carly s

    help for a heart failure bunny -u/d he's gone

    So so sorry for your loss Lisa. Thinking of you xxx
  6. carly s

    Northants Hopper Group Pets At Home Kettering Saturday 28th May

    Excellent! Thanx! We will be the ones wearing the bunny ears!!
  7. carly s

    what do you think? vet pet club schemes

    Hi. My vets have a healthy pet club scheme where they split the cost of vaccinations over the year so you don't have to pay for a vaccination when you visit. This is good for me as I have 5 rabbits and tend to take 3,4 or even 5of them down at a time when vaccinations are due. So effectively...
  8. carly s

    Introduced my doggy to the rabbits today

    :wave: You are brave! Glad it went well xxx
  9. carly s

    Do you use Fly Strike prevention

    Hello fellow Northamptonshire RU'er!! I was told by my vet that you only need to use it if the bun has problems with a dirty bottom or cannot clean itself for some reason. However I too have a supply - just in case. :wave:
  10. carly s

    Photoshoot last weekend!

    Thanks! See u sat 10.30am! x
  11. carly s

    Photoshoot last weekend!

    Next week! (I'm hoping I won't cry about dave in front of you all...! Am a lot stronger than I was about him but being with people who love bunnies and understand might be a different story!). Will be great to see you all again x
  12. carly s

    Photoshoot last weekend!

    Hi! She was hopping around outside when you came round! X
  13. carly s

    Photoshoot last weekend!

    Audrie Rabbit :wave:
  14. carly s

    my dearest Teddy Bear

    What a lovely tribute lisa,especially the gorgeous photos. Thinking of you. My david and teddy will be basking in the sunshine together at the bridge. X x
  15. carly s

    Now my darling Sam is poorly!- u/d heart disease

    Thinking of you lisa. Lots of vbes for sam and prudence. Thank you too for the post you sent me,much appreciated x x x
  16. carly s

    had to let teddy go today

    Oh lisa I'm so so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you. Hugs x
  17. carly s

    I lost David Rabbit - any ideas what was wrong?

    Ah thanx. Don't make me cry again tho! Xx
  18. carly s

    I lost David Rabbit - any ideas what was wrong?

    Thanks. You met him so you know how wonderful he was. I've been so upset. I can't face a pm,he's too perfect for that. Just got memories now but will prob always kick myself 4not taking him to the vets xx
  19. carly s

    I lost David Rabbit - any ideas what was wrong?

    Thanks sarah. I thought simply stasis hence going out. If I had thought it was this serious I would never had left him. He was up to date with his vaccinations yes. The others are fine but we are keeping an eye on daphne,daves partner. She's very small and dainty and prone to stasis and used to...