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Recent content by sarahls7

  1. S

    Well hello there :)

    Am starting to think i should be helping rabbits in need. Maybe its to soon. Then again it can never be soon enough. I need to do something that doesn't involve housing a rabbit as that isn't an option right now. Any ideas?
  2. S

    Well hello there :)

    Jack Jack had to be put down today. He was constantly sick with this or that. I felt that even though his life was short it wasn't fair. I feel guilty even though he kept get ill. Every time I turned around i had to go to the vet. Everything happens for a reason.
  3. S

    Well hello there :)

    Hello! My name is Sarah and I am mum to Jack and my hamster magic. I have posted before and didn't think that anyone would post anything back. I was amazed when people did. You see Jack is a one eyed rabbit with a head tilt. I am greatful for the support that I recieved and I just wanted to...
  4. S

    Head Tilt

    :cry: So back in May I looked out in the garden and Jack had this horrible head tilt and started rolling (flipping) like mad. I ran to the vets and got medication, but it didn't work and two weeks later the point came where I gave him steroids as a last resort. They worked! He stopped rolling...