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Mama Doe
Our Willow has been helped to the bridge this afternoon :cry:

We and Goosey already miss you little man. :love: Hope you've found Dill and Brownie waiting for you there.
So sorry you had to say goodbye to your boy. It's so hard to do the kindest thing. Big hugs to you and Goose.
Binky free Willow x
So very sorry to hear this news Kate & Colin:cry:
Binky free Willow..you will be missed xxx

and to Kate and Colin I want to say a huge thank you. They adopted Willow and his brother Dill as first time bunny owners and coped so well when the brothers fell out and both developed dental problems. They gave these two boys, aswell as the other bunnies, all the 5* care it is possible to give. They had longer and much, much happier lives than they would have had with most other bunny owners.
So at the moment you will be sad, but please take time to pat yourselves on the back and realise what a wonderful difference you made to this little bunny during his life..hugs xxxxxx x