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Where did you get your first bunny? (Again)

first bun

My very first bunny was given to me by a family who were fed up with him, the children having grown. He was called Oscar and was huge! The family I got him from offered to look after him when I went on holiday. I thought this would be a good idea as they had had him 6 years and he would know them. But..when I collected him 2 and a half weeks later I noticed the cage was very clean as if it had just been done, but hardly any of the hay, straw, newspaper and sawdust I had left with them had been used. Oscar seemed very quiet but I thought this was due to the swapping about so left him to settle back in. the next day there was blood in his cage. We rushed him to the vets and was told he had extreme flystrike :cry: The vet assured me the eggs hatch out quickly and it would have happened while I was away. He had to be put to sleep and I was devastated.
Needless to say my Mum (I was young at the time) had words with the family but they said they had checked him daily :x
It shows how important it is to check out who you leave your pets with and to check your bunnies bums regularly.