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what does teeth grinding mean?


Young Bun
my penny has recently been to the vets and is being treated for absesses,
I have noticed today that she is teeth grinding, what does that mean? is it happy? sad? or in pain?
Many Thanks
Hello :wave:

Is it silent grinding, or loud enough to hear?

If the bun is enjoying having nose rubs, for example, you will be able to 'feel' the silent grinding. This means bun is happy.

If you can hear the grinding, it usually means bun is in pain, in which case you must investigate. A phone call to the vet may be in order. Did the vet give you painkiller to administer?
May well be teeth. Poppy grinds her teeth but it's a 4 year habit. She only does it when she is getting comfortable now so she isn't grinding in pain any more :)

Our bunny Leo has some small sharp spurs on the one side of his teeth which need burring. This will be about £80, which was what Poppy's cost but her teeth are misaligned and she has abscesses on her jaw.

I would definately get the teeth checked though. A maybe £30 consultation and pain relief with more hay to try and help it is a lot nicer on the eye than £200 + (or then at least you can prepare yourself, I don't know what your vet prices are like :))

Edit: Re read your post- Poppy had huge abscesses but her 2 courses of antibiotics helped no end. She has top up courses every now and then to keep them small as they will always be there.
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Tooth grinding (loud and in an uncomfortable or hunched up position) indicates pain. Tooth purring (quieter and usually done in a more relaxed position) indicates pleasure and contentment.
Hello :wave:

Is it silent grinding, or loud enough to hear?

If the bun is enjoying having nose rubs, for example, you will be able to 'feel' the silent grinding. This means bun is happy.

If you can hear the grinding, it usually means bun is in pain, in which case you must investigate. A phone call to the vet may be in order. Did the vet give you painkiller to administer?

Hi , it is a loud grinding, she was on my lap at the time. I had just given her bout ten mins before anti biotics which she hated!

I havent had any painkillers for her off the vet.
she is due back at the vets in two weeks but I would hate to think she was in pain as she has a lot of absesses and a large one by her jaw.
May well be teeth. Poppy grinds her teeth but it's a 4 year habit. She only does it when she is getting comfortable now so she isn't grinding in pain any more :)

Our bunny Leo has some small sharp spurs on the one side of his teeth which need burring. This will be about £80, which was what Poppy's cost but her teeth are misaligned and she has abscesses on her jaw.

I would definately get the teeth checked though. A maybe £30 consultation and pain relief with more hay to try and help it is a lot nicer on the eye than £200 + (or then at least you can prepare yourself, I don't know what your vet prices are like :))

Edit: Re read your post- Poppy had huge abscesses but her 2 courses of antibiotics helped no end. She has top up courses every now and then to keep them small as they will always be there.
Thanks for the reply.
Im so glad to hear that as the vet thinks its not looking good, her teeth were checked by the vet on sat and they were ok but her absess on her jaw is massive!