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urgent phoebe goes funny after falling off humping merlin.


Warren Veteran
weve bonded a lot of our buns over time...merlin and phoebevare a rebond but both very teeritorial..not fighting but pseudo humping a lot...STILL.

The last couple ofvdays shes been kind of stuck on her back after falling off him.

nikki says she thinks phoebes having fits after humping him.......im terrified....but she seems to be ok. Nikki said she falls off him after like most buns do...but since late last night early hrs....she laynon her back ir longer making a funny noise and baring her teeth like she was growling....then she got up and was fine. Now as most of you recall..bertie had seizures....and nikki saidnshe got up quickly and walked off...bertie used to try to then collapse a few inces away still seizing.

I am going to ring vets in morning to make an appt with either billy jp..ruth or big john..the rabbit savvy vets at the practice. it could be wat else i ask myself......i do not want to start meds if it isnt seizures but then again what else could it be?
SOMETIMES when a female goes onto her back she is telling the male she wants babies because babies go on their back when being fed, Is she neutered? This may not be the reason in this case.
Id say hes a tall boy and its worn her out....having not seen the scenario, I dont want to say seizure..