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Mama Doe

We adopted a Peter, a lovely lop 4 month old bunny, last week :) He is a very inquisitive little chap, during the day loves bounding around in his run, however when I put him back in his hutch he looks abit fed up :( Its not a very big hutch (we are planning on getting him something better next year) and currently he has a jumbo cardboard tube (that he chews and lays in), a plastic jingle ball, a metal ball (hangs on bars, stuff with veg in morning) and a couple of chewing blocks.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest? I've got a massive Pets at home very locally but they don't have much. Is there anything I could make myself??

if you can find any in a local asda, a bundle of thin sticks for rabbits is very entertaining. my bunnies don't usually bother with toys but they liked these.
Aww thanks for your replies!

I love the toilet roll idea! Peter loves his hay :lol: Do I need to do anything to the toilet roll tube to make it bunny friendly??

Thanks also for the tip about Asda sticks!!
Another thing mine like to do with loo roll is I pop a little bit of hay and a few pellets in the tube, fold the end up and they like to toss it around and rip it open.
Mine enjoy just a cardboard box with a hole cut in filled with hay with hidden treats in.
Also you can buy wicker chew mats online for £3/4 they keep them occupied for ages and they sit and destroy them!
mine LOVE cardboard boxes! haha charlie moves it about in his run, hops on, under it, chews it, sleeps in it ...:lol:
If you search youtube for 'homemade hay toy' there are lots of interestign bits and pieces if your bunny loves hay ;)