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The Beach Hut construction


Warren Veteran
Hi Everone :wave:

Just wanted to share the contruction of my buns new pad which I'll hopefully finish tomorrow.

The main living compartment is made from a tool storage box which I've put on stilts. This is 4'x3' and will give them a better space than their current 6x2 hutch.

The run is about 10' long and 3' wide. I will be rabbit proofing the garden so that they can have big runs in the evening in the summer and weekends in the winter.

The runs height is over about 4' at the back and three ish at the front.


The front of the tool box splits in half horizontally and I'll be replacing this with a mesh frame but will keep hold of the solid bit for winter.


I'll add more pics tomorrow-hopefully they'll be able to move in then!

The Beach hut is for these guys. Mo and Mist. Mist seems to find it a bit of a struggle to get into their current hutch so I'll be making it as easy as possible with a side access and shorte/shallower ramp (with the aid of a box I think).