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Stupid stupid idiotic :censored: The only consolation and it's not really is that the bunny is probably used to it and knows no different and that he means no harm - still ridiculous that he percieves that and all the other comments as being 'a good way to do it' :roll:
Maybe someone should take a hose/pressure washer to his eye so he can see why that is a bad idea...
The tap is on what looks like full blast!
:cry::cry: It seemed like it was never going to end, did you see its little heart beating like mad. Its so awful. What is wrong with people??
That's terrible. If I had to flush an eye rather than just wipe/bathe it I would use a dropper or something.....never bunny under the tap.
Blue had to have a bath once when he was a baby.....he was COVERED in jam :oops: :roll: :lol:
That is so dangerous :shock: and was that shampoo he was rubbing into the eye area? i only watched a few seconds- I couldn't bear it.
The bunny seemed to be tranced: it's stress levels must have been through the roof!