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Warren Veteran
I've been delaying this because, it just doesn't feel real. You went to the vets and never came home. I miss you so much though. I just can't believe it's forever.

You came to me to join my lovely Barney bunny more than 8 years ago. You loved Barney so much. I loved to see you together, sleeping, grooming, eating...mainly eating.

You were such a special bunny with typical nethie personality, thankfully mellowed a little bit by the fact that you weren't a total nethie. But if someone wasn't stroking you quickly enough, they should be nipped really or else how would they learn? My finger went in your mouth more than once as you launched yourself in a frenzy to get the pellets! And then there was the time you jumped into my chocolate cheesecake.

You became Barney's eyes quite quickly, he needed you and you looked after each other. Barney was so much happier and confident when you came into our lives.

Well you were around two when you came to us so you were getting on for 10 when you left us. I thought you would live for ever, just refuse to go.

Barney died just over a year ago and you have been so sad since then. It's been horrible to see you alone and I wish I could have done more for you. We think you died of the same thing Barney had. You were certainly starting to look old and you looked like you felt old too.

I hope you have found Barney at Rainbow bridge. He must have missed you just as much as you have missed him. Binky free my little ones. I loved you so much and I'll miss you forever.

I'm so sorry you lost her :cry: binky free at the bridge Roxy. Sending you hugs xx
So sorry you have lost Roxy. It sounds like she had a super life with you and that she reached a very good age. I am sure she's already found Barney at The Bridge - God bless them both. Xxx
I was so sorry to hear this news Isabel but as I said elsewhere, thank you so much for giving her such a loving home for so long. Both her and Barney could not have asked for more.
Binky free Roxy and say Hi to Barney and Mo for me! xxx
Hugs to you Isabel xxx
Thank you Jill and everyone. She really was a special one. As they all are in their own way! I really appreciate everyone's thoughts as I only ever come on here now to post on RB so it does mean a lot to me. xxx