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Rosie has gone blind :-( U/D Pic Added

Oh Helen, I'm so sorry for Rosie, that must be quite distressing. I guess you will form a stronger bond with her now, and your relationship will become more clsoe than ever. She's a lucky bun to have you around for her, and I know she'll be more loved and cared for. Give her a Nosey from me and hugs to you x
That is a shame. I hope she adjusts to being blind. She's lucky to have someone who cares for her so much.
Awwww :(

I can only echo what Joanne said, she will be fine with her Mum :)

Sending snuggles for Rosie, (and for you if you need some ;) :))

so sorry to hear your bunnie has gone blind, as with a lot of things I think it is worse for the owner of the animal than it is for the pet itself, they just accept it and get on with it whereas we dwell on it and obviously get upset.

My bun lost her sight after ec and she coped amazingly well, even down to giving her a new hutch and run- I just sat with her and made sure she didnt jump and hit anything, and in a couple of days she was fine, running-yes running about like a goodun. What I did do was make sure everything stayed in the same place and if I moved anything I would show her it so she got used to it, and when ever I came down the garden I would talk to her so she knew I was there and didnt make her jump!
Good luck :)
so sorry to hear your bunnie has gone blind, as with a lot of things I think it is worse for the owner of the animal than it is for the pet itself, they just accept it and get on with it whereas we dwell on it and obviously get upset.

My bun lost her sight after ec and she coped amazingly well, even down to giving her a new hutch and run- I just sat with her and made sure she didnt jump and hit anything, and in a couple of days she was fine, running-yes running about like a goodun. What I did do was make sure everything stayed in the same place and if I moved anything I would show her it so she got used to it, and when ever I came down the garden I would talk to her so she knew I was there and didnt make her jump!
Good luck :)

Thanks for your advice and sorry to hear about your bun. They do seem to cope pretty well though, as you say - I've been amazed at how Rosie has just taken it in her stride :)
Thank you everyone :wave: I really appreciate all your posts. I've been telling Rosie about all the kind rabbity people who are sending snuggles :lol:

I'm lucky in that I've always had a pretty close bond with her as I'm at home all day and we have lots of snuggle sessions :D

As she's lost her sight and her hearing isn't 100%, we're really concentrating on touching and stroking her a lot, and talking to her at close range (and singing! :oops:) and she seems pretty content. Here's a pic from this morning of her stretttttched out! :lol:

she's beautiful, I cant believe how much she looks like my Dolcie, she died a couple of months ago from old age - she was ten but I still miss her

she's beautiful, I cant believe how much she looks like my Dolcie, she died a couple of months ago from old age - she was ten but I still miss her


Wow :shock: I thought I was looking at Rosie there - there's a great likeness! Dolcie was beautiful - sorry you lost her :( What a good age to reach though :)