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Pledge a Pound January 2011 - JANUARY WINNERS ANNOUNCED POST 103

I have pledged for January :wave:

Can I also add that I think Pledge a Pound is a wonderful idea and am grateful to those who organize it :)
Just paypalled this months donation along with money from miniature pet commission by BattleKat :)
I think this is a wonderful idea! :D
Just paid for Jan and next month :wave:
Thank you for doing this by the way it's a great fundraiser for the rescues.
Karen x
I've just sent some for this month, plus back payments for every month I have been on this forum (since October) now I have a bit more cash :)

Hope it helps to reach the target, I do think that pledge a pound is a brilliant idea!
Januarys total to date is a fantastic


Our target for the month was £225 so 3 rescues will each receive £75 we are already £22.41 over the target - this will be carried over until next month, unless there are any last minute donations that take us to £300.00:D I know some of you like to wait until the last day to send your money:lol:

Thank you to everyone that has taken part, you are all so kind and generous and remember a £1 really does make a difference to a rescue:D

Remember you have until 6.00 on 31st January to send a donation for this month

What a great start to the New year - Thank you all so much:D
I am sooooo pleased - look how fab RU is!! :love::love::love::love:

Thanks Denise and Sue too - you two are flippin amazing!! xxxx