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Pledge a Pound January 2011 - JANUARY WINNERS ANNOUNCED POST 103

The total raised so far for January is​


and we are only half way through the month:shock:

Remember we are trying to raise £225 every month so 3 rescues each receive £75:D
The total raised so far for January is​


and we are only half way through the month:shock:

Remember we are trying to raise £225 every month so 3 rescues each receive £75:D

That's fantastic - thank you so much everyone :D :D :D

Still loads of time to pledge your £ this month :wave:
Great amount.
Fab to see we can still raise that even with all the other fundraising going on :)
That should be mine through I think I missed a month or two last year so have sent a bit more this month.:oops:
Have sent mine - forgot to put a message to say who it was :oops: I KEEP doing this :oops: sorry! Name on my account is Deborah if that helps xx