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Paddy- now free


Mama Doe
Our foster bunny Paddy had to be put to sleep yesterday :cry:

He came to us when someone 'found' him in their garden. His claws were awfully long and he had a sizeable lump in his ear. Despite all this, he was a super friendly bun.

Our vet was very concerned about his ear and the state of his teeth. Under anaesthetic yesterday, she had a good look at his molars where she found that many of them were fractured and his whole jaw was misaligned. His incisors were also in awful condition.

The lump in his ear looked like an aggresive tumour and he had an awful inner ear infection.

She told me that, if we tried to treat him, it would be highly likely that he would be in constant pain and discomfort for the rest of his life and would need very regular dental work.

We decided together that it would be best for him if he was allowed to slip away under anaesthetic.


We have no idea what you went through before you came to us or, indeed, how old you were. You were so very handsome and I truly regret not getting any photos of you in the short time you were here.

I hope you enjoyed your time with us sweetheart.

I am absolutely devastated that your life was ended like this. I pray that you are happy now and free from any pain.

Watch over us Paddy, you have inspired me and made me more determined than ever. Say hi to all the bunnies at the bridge - at least you have some friends now. I bet they all love ya! :love:

We love you VERY much and always will. You will always have a home in our hearts.

Mummy Erin and Daddy Paul.

A sad life till he met you...and I believe you tried and agonised over your decision.
Run over the Bridge Paddy.xxx
nothing worse than making that whats for the best descion, binky free lil man and be pain free
I don't know how I missed this, :(

I didn't know your name until now Paddy. Another precious bunny, we never got the chance to meet :(

Binky free Paddy xx