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Not exploring new house


Young Bun
Today I got a new shed and aviary built for my rescue buns. The aviary is where there old run was and the shed is next to it attached by a pipe. They don't seem to be exploring the shed much at all. I put some veggies and pellets in the shed but they've only munched the ones near the pipe and gone back into the aviary! I don't mind them hanging out there but obviously I've bought the shed for them so it's nice and warm and dry and they're just sitting out in the cold!

I've put lots of boxes of hay and things inside so hopefully they're going to explore tonight (especially if it rains!) Is it normal that they are not going in the new hutch? I assume they'll get used to it, but just wanted to be sure!
Today I got a new shed and aviary built for my rescue buns. The aviary is where there old run was and the shed is next to it attached by a pipe. They don't seem to be exploring the shed much at all. I put some veggies and pellets in the shed but they've only munched the ones near the pipe and gone back into the aviary! I don't mind them hanging out there but obviously I've bought the shed for them so it's nice and warm and dry and they're just sitting out in the cold!

I've put lots of boxes of hay and things inside so hopefully they're going to explore tonight (especially if it rains!) Is it normal that they are not going in the new hutch? I assume they'll get used to it, but just wanted to be sure!

Yes, it's normal :)

we have all these lovely ideas for our buns and then they don't behave according to plan :lol: A bit like cats loving the box more than the toy!

They will eventually get a look at everything else there :thumb:
New things are treated with a certain amount oif suspicion, like it might be a trap these horrid humans have set. I am sure they will get to enjoy all their new space soon.