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Needing Good Luck Vibes please....U/D page 12

We don't know yet if the infection has spread to her bones or not, so im not holding my breath just yet.
But i had prepared myself (as much as anyone can) for the worst, so at the moment this is good news for me.
She is a very poorly bunny, and as jane has told me, she is not sure how much more Mo could cope with...

So, all those vibes...are still very much needed:)
Mo is sleeping off her GA. I stayed with her throughout the surgery. Christabel cleaned all the pus out of the hole in Mo's hock. We dont know if infection has got to the bone as Christabel did not want to poke about inside too much thereby possibly opening up a track for infection if its not already there.
I was concerned that Mo had sustained nerve damage as when I examined her last night she appeared not to be able to feel the foot on the leg worst effected. The foot is also very swollen. But Christabel examined Mo and said she has got some feeling in the foot so it looks like the nerves are not completely 'dead'.
The op' took quite some time and it was very interesting to watch. Wish I had been clever enough to be a Vet !!

Mo is now on Depocillin injections, Vetergesic injections, Metacam, and Ranitidine. She will also have Metoclopromide if necessary. I am to change the dressings on her hocks every 3-4 hours. She is having Manuka honey on/in the wounds.

Mo is in no means out of the woods and we dont know how well she will respond to the abx, if she will and we dont know if we can keep her pain under control and keep her guts going. It a case of taking things hour by hour. We see Christobel again on Monday morning.

Please keep the vibes coming for big brave Mo

Sending lots of recovery vibes to Mo!

Weldone Jane ,Theo and Amy!! You should all have medals!!

x x
Poor little mite :( Really hope she is stong enough for the long road to recovery. Sending mega healing vibes for her ~~~~

Words can not decribe the way I feel today! I have had a cloud over me all day, and have not been on as Ive been so worried. But spoke to Theo!

My family are still reiking Mo and doing crystal layouts, long may this good news continue.

I know we are not out of the woods, but we are a step closer to happiness for Willow and Mo.

Jane and Christobel are angels. I am so proud to know such special people. x
Thankyou everyone...again for your thoughts and healing vibes:love:
I cannot express the amount of admiration i have for you all..for those directly involved and for those that are sending the love.
I am almost crying at the amount of love going around here, it really humbles me.
I so hope i will have Mo back with me soon, but as Jane has said, we can only take it hour by hour. I just pray Mo is strong enough as she has been through an awful amount of vet treatment the last few months.

Jane..what can i say.
You SO deserve a medal hun, you are a true angel. Not only are you nursing my Mo, but all the other bunnies in your care.
I admire you so much and i can never thankyou enough:love:

Now, i must try and sort out getting lord muck back home!:roll:
I am still praying very hard for Mo, I hardly slept last night thinking about her and then speaking with Jane this morning.

Well done Jane for taking such good care of her, lets hope that she keeps fighting and makes a good recovery.

Lots of prayers being said Willow, love to you and your family as well xx
I am so so pleased to hear that Mo has come through surgery :):)

Sending masses of healing vibes to her and lots of love to everyone involved.

She is such a brave bunny. Keep fighting Mo, we are all behind you!

Vanessa xx
Mo has eaten some greens and some dandelion leaves. Now she is sleeping again


Woohoo!! :D I had to go to college so told Gem to txt me with any news - Its made my day that this special girl is still with us, Especially with all the sadness around at the moment. Come on now Mrs, Get better so you can go home to Mum!! :love: XX
awwwww beautiful mo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hope you feel better soon sweetheart, you are being looked after by a pair of angels so all you have to do is get better for your mommy xxx