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Morse- 20th Oct- WE HAVE MORSEY BACK !! :-)

Go Morsey-baby, you keep nomming. It makes Jane VERY happy.:D

Vibes for a comfortable night for the Inspector and best wishes to you Jane.
Just got in from work and came on here with my heart in my mouth wondering how Morse is.

SO relieved hes now improving. Keep nomming Morsey :love::love::love:
That's great. A long sleep, then some noms and now another sleep. The Inspector will soon be up for Inmorsigating again - and maybe having a photo shoot if he is up to it?

Soon be time for your breakfasts, Morse - nom, nom, nom:love:
My heart has been in my throat reading all the updates. Just glad to hear he is home and improving!

Get well snuggles for Morse and Colin and hugs for you, Jane. :)
Oh so pleased that Morse has got over his surgery and I hope he goes on to improve each day,
Well done Morse you really are a special bun :love::love::love: xxxx

Btw Jane I love your hair it look's lovely :love:
Very very happy to hear Morsey is improving and nomming :D I hope he's had a comfortable night and tucks into his brekkie this morning!
Morse is doing great :D

I have not checked his wounds yet, I dare not delay the first part of The Inspector's breakfast :shock:

I cannot tell you how relieved I am.

We have Morsey back :love: :love:

ETA- Colin is improving too, but his ears are still yucky. He is eating better now though xx
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Go Morse!! I am so relieved to hear that he's doing so well.:love::thumb:

I hope Colonel Colin keeps improving. Will he need a GA to have his ears cleaned out?